NOVEMBER 5, 2012
The Clermont Town Board held their regular meeting on Monday, November 5, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Edward Kahle, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilman Evan Hempel and Councilwoman Nancy Moore. Also present were Edward and Eileen Cassidy, Judy Blessinger-Neary, C. J. Larsen and John Mason, Register Star.
Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with a moment of silence in memory of Charles Larsen and the salute to the flag.
With the passing of Charles M. Larsen on October 15, 2012 who was a valued member of our community, Supervisor Staats asked Councilwoman Moore to read a Certificate of Appreciation from the Columbia County Board of Supervisors Chairman, Patrick M. Grattan recognizing his service and dedication to Clermont and Columbia County. Supervisor Staats also read a Letter of Recognition from the Town Board recognizing the contributions by Charlie over many years from mail carrier, his repair shop business, his involvement with Clermont Fire Company, District Fire Commissioner, Southern Columbia Ambulance Squad, Zoning Board of Appeals, Germantown School Board, Germantown Alumni Association, Columbia County Cooperative Extension, Columbia County Farm Bureau, NYS Farm Board of Directors, Hudson Valley Old Time Power Association and the Clermont Village Green Committee.
Councilman Robert Desmond read a statement about his personal relationship with Charlie and his commitment to the Town of Clermont. He worked with Charlie on the Zoning Board of Review Committee, as a member of the Zoning Board for five years, and as liaison to the Town Board for ZBA and Planning Board matters and noted that Charlie was a strong supporter of agriculture serving on the Columbia County and NYS Farm Bureau. He is also pointed out that Charlie was a valued participant with the Village Green Committee, donating items and helping at the events. He will be sorely missed by all.
These letters were presented to Charlie’s son C.J. who was present to accept. A blank page will be left in the minutes in remembrance.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Moore, seconded by Councilman Desmond to accept the minutes of the September 24th budget workshop. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Kahle to accept the minutes of October 1st monthly meeting. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to accept the minutes of the October 15th budget workshop by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
The Town Clerk read the October report and presented a check to the Supervisor for the General Fund in the amount of $199.09. A motion was made to accept the Town Clerk’s report by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- Office for the Aging Elder Express newsletter for fall.
- Change in Town Hall Office Hours for November 15th. Due to change in the Courts schedule the Town Clerks Office will be open on November 15th from 5:00 to 6:30 P.M. The Assessor and Building Inspector will hold hours from 6:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. The Town Hall will be closed on Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 22nd.
- Web Committee: No report
- Councilman Kahle will be seeking grants for 2013, particularly for the Community House and Ballfield.
- Councilman Desmond reported that the Highway Superintendent has put 911 signs at the ballfield.
- Councilman Moore will include links to the Emergency Management Office, household preparedness, how to take care of pets, as well as others, in the Emergency Preparedness Plan. The Supervisor knows this is an important thing to keep up-to-date on this plan and thanked Councilwoman Moore for her work on this. Clermont cannot have an overnight shelter because we would have to provide certain facilities, which we do not have. The County would advise as to where the shelters would be. We are able to provide a warming facility because we have generators and could provide food for the short term.
- The Clerk reported that the website has information about Code Red and how to sign up for emergency notifications. There is also information about G-tel’s 537-INFO for emergency information for Clermont, Germantown and Livingston.
- Bridge Update: Supervisor Staats reported that there would be no funds in the 2013 budget for the repair of the Binghams Mill Road Bridge. If they set aside funds in the Capital Projects Budget for bridge repair is the only way it is going to happen.
- Lot Line Adjustment: The Supervisor thanked Saulpaugh & Sons for the generous property donation, which allows extra room for parking for events and the Clermont Cemetery Association donation, which allows a connection to the acreage acquired from Hettling’s. He stated that it is important for everyone to realize how important it is for the generous donations and the work that everyone does.
- St. Luke’s Church: John Staats & Sons, who painted the church, donated the materials to rebuild the back stairs to the church.
- BAR Appointment: A motion was made to reappoint Ripley Hathaway to the Board of Assessment Review for the term of 10/1/12 – 9/30/17 by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- Budget for 2013: The public hearing on the budget was held prior to the regular board meeting and attended by the full board, four town residents and John Mason of the Register Star. A motion was made to adopt the 2013 budget as presented by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
- Workplace Violence Policy: During the inspection by PESCH, it was pointed out that we do not have a policy in place. Our Highway Superintendent has taken the required course but a policy must be in place. Our attorney has provided a copy of a policy, which is used throughout the County. Councilman Hempel has reservations about the section, which does not allow for the possession of firearms on town property, town facility or vehicle, because he does not feel we should restrict this if lawful. Councilman Kahle also agrees that you have the right to bear arms and have a concealed carry permit, you should be able to carry it whereever you go and if we have to trust your employees. He sees it as a violation of a Constitutional right. The Supervisor struggles with this also, as a gun owner, agreeing with the right to carry arms, but wonders if we need town employees carrying weapons to work. Councilman Kahle said that carrying could save a life, as well. Councilwoman Moore’s questioned about our insurance if we have armed employees and do you distinguish between a gun and a razor and switchblade. Councilman Desmond would like to check with the attorney, as to whether or not we should remove that section from the policy. Supervisor Staats does support guns but does not have a problem with the policy. It is used in the County and other Towns.
Councilman Desmond motioned to approve the policy as is with the provision that we check with the attorney and modify the policy later. Councilman Hempel would like to check with the attorney and insurance company and adopt it later. Councilwoman Moore seconded Councilman Desmond’s motion to approve.
A roll call vote was held:
Councilman Kahle – no, Councilman Desmond – aye; Councilman Hempel – nay; Councilwoman Moore – aye; Supervisor Staats – aye. Motion passed to approve the policy and modify at a later date as necessary. Supervisor Staats will talk to the town attorney about this.
- The Supervisor said that since the absence of Charles Larsen on the ZBA, James (Hank) Himelright has been acting Chairman. He would like to appoint him as Chairman. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore to appoint James (Hank) Himelright as Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals. All in favor. So carried.
- The Supervisor would like to appoint Luke Kumburis, who has been an alternate member on the ZBA, to a permanent zoning board position to fill out the unexpired term of Charlie, through 2013. A motion was made by Councilman Hempel, seconded by Councilwoman Moore to appoint Luke Kumburis to the ZBA to fill out the term of Charles Larsen. All in favor. So carried.
- There is now a vacancy on the ZBA for the alternate position. Any interested resident should contact any Town Board member or the Town Clerk. The Town Board will meet any applicants on Thursday, December 6th at 6:30 P.M. at the Town Hall.
- Bookkeeper: Supervisor Staats realizes that there would be concerns about the town bookkeeper, in light of the recent Stockport release of missing funds. He has asked our bookkeeper and received a complete printout of every transaction, which has been done this year. They are available for any resident to review, along with bank statements, etc. Any expenditure by the town is approved by the board and the supervisor.
- Pine Haven Home: There was a third and final approval on the project to get the architects underway. Supervisor Staats reported that the Administrator at Pine Haven has been running the home at a profit.
- Court House Project: The work has been started, but they are still trying to find a home for the courts to operate while construction is underway.
- Communications Tower and Radio upgrade: There is a three million-dollar budget for a communications tower and radio upgrade for fire and emergency responders. There is also discussion about these costs being reimbursed to the County by the agencies.
- County Budget: Supervisor Staats is not very happy with the budget process this year. The revenues for the Certified Home Health Agency have continued to drop. Next year they expect a million-dollar loss for twenty patients. Constituents need to put pressure on their supervisors to sell this agency. There are some items on the budget that do need to be looked at, but until they start looking at it as a business, things will not change. Revenues have been higher for the County this year. He believes taxes will not be raised because of this.
- Election Day dinner will be served at the Community House from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. by the Village Green Committee.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Hempel to pay General abstract #11, vouchers #263 to #295 in the amount of $6,314.20. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to pay Highway Abstract #11; vouchers #100 to #113 in the amount of $12,675.40 by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Hempel. All in favor. So carried.
- Gary Stoerzinger, Jr. a Germantown Political Science Student reported that there is a house on Firehouse Road which is abandoned and is diagonally across from his parents residence, for which he has been accused of vandalizing. There is also an abandoned barn with a truck and about thirty cats that they would like to know what the town will do about it. Supervisor Staats will check into this with the Animal Control Officer and on the foreclosure list to see if it has been foreclosed on.
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore at 8:24 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk
(See next page)
MAY 12, 1941 – OCTOBER 15, 2012