DECEMBER 27, 2012
The Clermont Town Board held the year-end meeting on Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Edward Kahle, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilman Evan Hempel and Councilwoman Nancy Moore. Others in attendance were Dawn Brownson, Mark Fingar and Peter Fingar of Fingar Insurance.
Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.
Mark Fingar presented the insurance renewal proposal for 2013. The premium increased slightly due to additions otherwise it was down from last year. There is a 4% inflation increase each year for Blanket property and Personal property. Discussed the possibility of increasing the deductible from $500 to $1,000 on property coverage for additional savings. The total quote is $13,607.00.
Supervisor Staats did receive another insurance quote from Kleeber Insurance Agency for $20,228.39. This will be decided at the January meeting.
The Supervisor has contacted several accounting firms and received quotes from two to date. He is awaiting a third. He has also received one from Freeman-Howard, our current attorney and Morris Associates, our current engineering firm. For the bookkeeping services he has had discussions with Pattison, Koskey and will contact Alice Schools.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to approve Trust and Agency abstract #4, vouchers 6 & 7 in the amount of $1,661.25, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Kahle to approve Highway abstract #13, vouchers #125 – 137 in the amount of $7,557.40, seconded by Councilman Hempel. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hempel to approve General fund abstract #13, vouchers #324 – 346 in the amount of $3,513.80, seconded by Councilwoman Moore. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn at 7:55 P.M. by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Moore.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk