DECEMBER 12, 2012
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Jennifer Phillips, Thomas Jantzen and Brenda Case. Aldo Dusman and Robert Queirolo were absent. Others present were Robert Desmond, Randy Bloom, Mark Graminski, Surveyor for R. Bloom, Bill Clark of Carmelite Sisters, Erin Moore of Clark Engineering, George Schmitt, Town Engineer and Andy Howard, Town Attorney.
The Chairman opened the meeting. A motion was made by Jennifer Phillips to approve the minutes of the November meeting, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
CARMELITE SISTERS: 600 Woods Road, Tax map ID#179-1-69 – Bill Clark, representing the Carmelite Sisters and Erin Moore, PE of Clark Engineering made the presentation to the board for Site Plan for a proposed building for a chapel and visitors center for the Carmelite Sisters. The site is off the existing access road with a new driveway off this road. There will be less than one acre utilized for storm water improvements. They will install a septic with a pump system. The site visit by Columbia County Health Department was favorable. The application was received and fees paid.
RANDY BLOOM: 78 Langridge Road, Tax map ID#201-1-26.111 – Randy Bloom and Mark Graminski, surveyor came before the board with a revised application and EAF for subdivision showing three lots, increased from two lots. Our attorney advised Mr. Graminski that because Langridge Road subdivides the parcel noted as Parcel #1 on the original application, this becomes a three-lot subdivision. The existing parcel of 144.50 acres will be divided as follows:
Lot #1 – 49.43 acres with existing barn converted to a studio, residence with accessory apartment and a mobile home and existing utilities.
Lot #2 – 84.86 acres for a single-family residence with a new driveway.
Lot #3 – 10.16 acres for a single-family residence with a new driveway.
Driveway permits were received for the two new lots.
Agricultural Data statements will be sent to Helen Unson and Nicholas and Nancy Russo and a notice to the Town of Red Hook of this action will also be sent.
A public hearing will be held on January 9, 2013 at 7:30 P.M.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:50 P.M. by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Brenda Case.
Respectfully submitted,
Clayton Andrus for Mary Helen Shannon