DECEMBER 17, 2012
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. Those in attendance were Chairman Mark Schiller, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh, Commissioner Raymond Bauer and Commissioner Harry Harned.
Others present were Treasurer Denise Fiore, Chief Ronald Rifenburgh and Robert Desmond.
Chairman Schiller called the meeting to order with a salute to the flag.
MINUTES: Chairman Schiller noted a change on page 2 – Fire Equipment – change 602 to 603. A motion was made by Commissioner Harned to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
Total amount of November 2012 invoices paid $ 6,483.28
Proposed December 2012 invoices $ 5,996.65 *corrected
Paid December 2012 invoices $10,138.18
Total $16,134.83
Bank of Greene County Balances to Date:
Money Market Checking Balance $84,208.03
Checking Balance $ 686.32
Money Market and Checking Total $84,894.35
Capital Reserve Fund $33,404.02
Reserve Fund $29,492.63
A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh to accept the Treasurer’s report as corrected, seconded by Commissioner Harned. All in favor. So carried.
- RBS Wealth Management account statement for November - $317,026.57
- Address change for RBC Wealth Management to 455 Patroon Creek Blvd., 2nd floor
Albany, New York 12206.
- The secretary sent a letter to Milan Fire District and received the Certificate of Liability Insurance from them.
- 2013 Budget copies were given to the Commissioners.
- Received the results of the Livingston Fire District Election.
- The results of the Clermont Fire District Election were 16 for incumbent Commissioner Raymond Bauer and 2 write in votes.
- Received the Service Awards Data Package for 2012 from Penflex.
- The Chiefs reports will be done on the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control website starting 2013. This will eliminate the payment to Firehouse Software.
- Chairman Schiller thanked Commissioner Bauer and Commissioner Saulpaugh for getting the washing machine hooked up at Station #1.
INSURANCE: Commissioner Bauer
- Commissioner Bauer will request a Certificate of Insurance for the leasing company for turnout gear.
- Commissioner Bauer would like bids for insurance to go out after January 1st, with specs posted on the website. Discussed whether to accept sealed bids or open bids.
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer/Commissioner Saulpaugh
- Truck #601 has not been serviced yet.
- The tank repairs on Truck #604 will have to be re-bid after the first of the year.
- Truck #602 – Chief Rifenburgh says VRS has ordered parts, replacing the transformer and three-stage motor. This should resolve the Holmotro cutting tool issue.
- Fire gear has been received. Payments will be once a year for five years.
LOSAP: Commissioner Harned/Commissioner Saulpaugh
- Commissioner Bauer asked if we could shop around for prices for the administrative fees that we pay to Penflex. Commissioner Harned will check into this.
LAWS & POLICIES: All Commissioners
No Report
- Raymond Bauer was re-elected as Commissioner for a five-year term ending December 31, 2017
No new business
- Calls for the month:
- Mutual Aid to Livingston
- Standby for Livingston
- Mutual Aid to Livingston
- AAPI – Kerley Corners Road
- Alarm Activation – Church Avenue
- Mutual Aid to Livingston
The drill was on OSHA training and review Truck #602 and Driver Training.
- Four firefighters attended the class on Modern House fires at Millbrook.
- Chairman Schiller reported that the trip to the fire tower for Firefighter I training went very well. Each company who has a member attending is asked to attend. The drill was on car fires.
- New officers will be Evan Decker, 2nd Assistant Chief, Tyler Case, 1st Lieutenant and Fred Gooderham, Captain.
- The Chief would like to purchase amplifiers for the air masks at $300.00 per mask.
- Motorola had to reorder the head set for truck #602 because the original order was lost.
- Foam was ordered and received for truck #602.
- The Chief will complete the Central Registry for Fire Police.
- The Chief has a few more purchases to make for this year.
- Assistant Chief McCarthy will speak to Firefighter Palmatier about attending training. Firefighter Franco will also be available at some times for calls.
A motion was made by Commissioner Harned to accept the Chiefs report, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh to pay the bills. All in favor. So carried.
There was discussion about a check received from a resident, which was ordered by the court to be paid. There was discussion as to whether this was to go to the Fire Company or the Fire District. A decision was tabled until next month.
The Organizational Meeting will be held on Monday, January 21st at 6:30 P.M.
Chairman Schiller thanked the Treasurer and Secretary for their work this year.
Bob Desmond asked if there was any reason why the Commissioners cannot be paid a stipend? Commissioner Harned will look into this, but he doesn’t think so. He also has said that C. J. Larsen may be interested in replacing his father on the Board of Commissioners.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:20 P.M. by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary