JANUARY 9, 2013
The meeting of the Clermont Planning Board was held on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at the Clermont Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Tom Jantzen, Brenda Case and Robert Queirolo. Aldo Dusman and Jennifer Phillips were absent.
Also present were Robert Desmond, Elaine Unson Tate, Michael Reardon, Mark Graminski, Engineer for Randy Bloom, Randy Bloom, Erin Moore, PE of Clark Engineering, Joe Clarke from the Carmelite Sisters, Andy Howard, Town Attorney and George Schmitt, Town Engineer.
MINUTES: A motion was made to accept the minutes from December by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Brenda Case. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Clayton Andrus to close the meeting and open the public hearing, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
PUBLIC HEARING: Randy Bloom, 78 Langridge Road, and Tax Map ID #201.-1-26.111
Randy Bloom, the applicant, and Mark Graminski, engineer for Ms. Bloom presented the maps of a three-lot subdivision of 144.48 acres more or less on Langridge Road. The Lots are divided as follows:
Lot 1 – 49.43 acres with existing home, studio and mobile home
Lot 2 – 84.26 acres with single family residence
Lot 3 – 10.16 acres on the west side of Langridge Road
There are driveway permits for Lots 2 & 3 and certified letters were sent to adjoining landowners. Agricultural data statements were sent to Helen Unson and Nicholas and Nancy Russo. A letter was also sent to the Town of Red Hook Planning Board as this parcel abuts Dutchess County.
Three adjoining landowners, Robert Desmond, Elaine Unson Tate and Michael Reardon were present. They viewed the maps and were explained about the subdivision. Mr. Graminski has sent an application to the Army Corp of Engineers with a plan for a box culvert to cross the stream for access to Lot #2. He showed the preliminary design for the crossing. He has not had a reply from the Corps, but would expect it within 45 days of submitting the application. This is a minor crossing of under a tenth of an acre, which there should be no mitigation with the Corp. The design of the culvert is for a 500-year storm.
Robert asked about how the Corp accepts the plan. It was explained that they have criteria to follow and do not allow culverts, but box culverts are like a bridge. It is built up over the stream and does not disturb the wetlands. Mr. Graminski will also seek approval from the Fire Chief for the crossing for access by fire trucks. Elaine Tate asked if the town road would end where it does now, and it will. There was discussion about a second stream, which runs into the one, which will have the box culvert. There were no other questions from those present or the board.
A motion was made by Tom Jantzen to close the public hearing and open the regular meeting, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
Chairman Saulpaugh reviewed the SEQRA form and a motion was made to declare a negative declaration by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
Our attorney suggested that the board could consider granting approval conditionally upon the receipt of the report from the Army Corp of Engineers and the Clermont Fire Chief’s approval of the box culvert. Both our attorney and our engineer are comfortable with this conditional approval. A motion was made by Clayton Andrus and seconded by Tom Jantzen to approve this action conditionally upon the receipt of the report from the Army Corp of Engineer and the Clermont Fire Chiefs approval of the box culvert. All in favor. So carried. Maps will be signed once these reports are received.
Erin Moore, PE of Clark Engineering and Joe Clarke of the Carmelites were present representing the Carmelites. Our engineer sent a letter to Ms. Moore with comments and recommendations on this project, which Ms. Moore addressed.
- Sewage Disposal plans will be submitted when available
- Provided zoning requirements on the site plan.
- Provided name of land surveyor, signature and seal.
- Provided SEQRA short form at December meeting.
- This action is less than 2% coverage on this site.
- There will not be a separate dumpster for this site because the estimated number of visitors does not necessitate it.
- The four parking spaces are for handicapped visitors and the existing parking lot would handle any other visitors.
- The rim elevations have been corrected on the final drawing.
- The elevation for the top of the wall at the north end will be corrected for the final drawing.
- The storm drain piping has been corrected.
- The area of disturbance for erosion is less than one acre and she has been monitoring it.
- Silt fence location will be adjusted during construction.
One of George’s comments was on a possible archeological study on the site by NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (SHPO) because this site is on the National Registered Historic District. Ms. Moore has been in contact with them and told that if the property is privately owned and using private funds does not need SHPO approval. Then after another contact with the office, was told that it would be considered a Type I action and a long form EAF would be required. George explained that the board has the option of whether or not SHPO is involved. Generally, the requirements for an archeological study are for lands, which are close to the river because of the sandy soil. This site where excavation will occur is further from the river. He would agree that it is private land, using private funds for this project and as long as the board has a reason and has discussed why it is not necessary, there is no need to involve them.
Robert Queirolo asked if the town would be liable if something were found when digging starts. The town would not be, because after discussion the board made a reasonable decision.
Ms. Moore will submit the Health Department approvals when she receives them.
This application must be submitted to the County Planning Board and Andy Howard will drop it off tomorrow to the Planning department.
A public hearing will be scheduled for Wednesday, February 13th at 7:30 P.M.
Bob Desmond, Town Councilman, explained that the town board made an amendment to the salary schedule at the organizational meeting for Zoning Board and Planning Board members. If a board member misses more than two meetings in a year, their annual salary will be reduced by $100.00 per meeting over the two. Also it was added that alternates would receive $50.00 per meeting when called by the Chairman to attend.
A motion was made by Brenda Case to adjourn at 8:45 P. M., seconded by Clayton Andrus.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon