NOVEMBER 25, 2013
The Clermont Town Board held a special meeting on the Town park on Monday, November 25, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall and for any other business that may come before the board. Those in attendance were Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Moore, Councilman Hempel and Supervisor Staats.
Others present were Mary Howard, Dawn Brownson, Kris Gildersleeve and Tom Jantzen.
Deputy Supervisor Desmond opened the meeting in the absence of the Supervisor who was due to arrive at a later time.
Councilman Desmond went over the questions raised at the last meeting.
- Is the 15-year warranty pro-rated? A small percentage as it goes on in years.
- What is the projected useful life of the product? Minimum of 15 years.
- Do UV rays affect this surface? The product is UV stabilized.
- Could bees get into open space? There is no evidence of that.
- Are there any installations in 50 miles that have been in for 15 years? None in this area.
- Cost for maintenance for wood chips? The estimate for wood chips is $2.00 to $2.50 per foot and must be replenished periodically and replaced after 3 or 4 years.
- Wood chips, sand and gravel are not ADA compliant as access to play areas. They are compliant under the swings or equipment.
- Total cost for material for wood chips begins to exceed rubber after 10 years.
- ADA compliant swing seats – They are not required to have them and cost about $600.00 more than regular seats. Tom Jantzen brought in pictures of ADA compliant swing seats.
Councilwoman Moore asked if they had statistics on those using it longer than 15 years. Councilman Desmond stated that it may depend on the amount of usage. It may also not be the same from other providers. These are manufactured by Encore International.
Councilman Desmond submitted a comparison of Playground Surfacing Materials giving the pros and cons and whether or not they meet the requirements.
Councilman Hempel did some research and found that the edges curl. There is also the risk of frost heaving so it was suggested to put in above grade rather than below grade.
He is most concerned about the curling. He has spoken with someone, who likes the rubberized tile very much, others like pea gravel and not the other choices.
Tom Jantzen thinks the important thing is the border that you use, which will hold it together. Councilman Desmond explained the process of building the border and materials to be used, which will allow water to flow through. Tom Jantzen suggested finishing off with a vinyl product. It is also recommend sloping off gradually for runoff. Tom asked if there should be some kind of fencing around the playground area to deter kids on bikes running across the surface. He also asked if the color goes all the way through. Councilman Desmond said that there is a wear surface on the top.
There is a cost issue initially with this product but there are cost issues with the other choices.
Councilman Desmond estimates the cost for the fall surface and swings to be $25,000.
We have applied for a grant for $10,000.00 from Iroquois, will also apply to Taconic Farms and Bank of Greene County for grants.
Councilman Desmond suggests seeking donations and putting up a sign which lists the donors at the site. The sign installed is about $800.00 from Dutchess Signs.
He suggested a minimum amount for name to be placed on sign designating individual, memorial, business donations and grants.
He also suggested doing a major fundraiser for the entire park. For that he suggested requesting varying amounts for varying categories such as, Patrons, Benefactors, Friends, Contributors or Diamond, Gold, Silver, Bronze.
Supervisor Staats said that if we do find a grant, which needs matching funds, we do have the recreation fund, Con Ed monies, grant money, etc., which can be used.
Councilman Hempel said that the report found the rubberized tiles and the pea gravel to be the most reliable.
Supervisor Staats thinks that the rubberized tile is the preferred way to go.
Tom asked what the plan is for maintenance of the park. Right now the highway department is maintaining the ballfield and park. In time the park will grow and may be time to have a park commission, which would oversee the park.
Some other suggestions which were made:
- Signs for designated hours,
- No smoking, close at dusk, pet rules; no skate boards or bikes on fall surfaces, no ATV’s or snowmobiles.
- Walking trails.
Mary Howard said the Environmental Protection Fund and Hudson Valley Greenway might be other sources. Councilman Desmond suggested Scenic Hudson for trees.
For this first phase, we will need bid specifications for this surface because it exceeds our procurement policy.
A resolution will be prepared for December’s meeting to proceed with the first phase.
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 P.M. by Councilman Desmond, Councilwoman Moore seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk