JANUARY 8, 2014
The Clermont Planning Board held their regular meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Thomas Jantzen, Robert Queirolo and Jennifer Phillips. Brenda Case and Aldo Dusman were absent. Others present were Robert Ihlenburg, Robert Desmond, George Schmitt, Town Engineer and Andy Howard, Town Attorney.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. A letter was received from Brenda Case, resigning her position on the Planning Board effective January 1, 2014 for personal reasons.
MINUTES: After review of the minutes, a motion was made to accept the minutes of the December meeting by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Clayton Andrus to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
IRISH HILLS: Turkey Hill Road – Tax Map #201.-1-71: Robert Ihlenburg was present to represent Mr. Paul Doherty in the lot line adjustment to increase road frontage on a parcel on Turkey Hill Road from 16 feet to nearly 200 feet and a minimum parcel width of 50 feet. The application was submitted, no certified mailings were made because Mr. Doherty owns the property adjoining. The two other property owners are more than 500 feet away. This lot line adjustment will give a 50’ access to Spring Lake Road.
A motion was made to close the public hearing, by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Jennifer Phillips. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to declare a negative declaration on the SEQRA review by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Clayton Andrus to approve the lot line change as presented by Irish Hills. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen at 8:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon