MARCH 17, 2014
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, March 17, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Mark Schiller, Commissioner Rifenburgh, Commissioner Bauer and Commissioner Saulpaugh.
Also present were Chief Fred Gooderham, Robert Desmond, James C. Potts, Sr., Ronald Rifenburgh and Bruce Potts.
Chairman Schiller opened the meeting with a salute to the flag.
MINUTES: The minutes of the 2/17/14 meeting were reviewed and approved with the following correction by Commissioner Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
Chief’s Report: 1/23/14 incident should say ‘partial ceiling collapse’.
Page 3 – New business - Change LOSAP to OSHA in second to last sentence.
The minutes of the 3/4/14 meeting were reviewed and approved with the following correction by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Rifenburgh. All in favor. So carried.
2nd to last paragraph-should state ‘three members’ had their suspensions lifted.
Total amount of February invoices paid $15,882.15
Proposed March invoices $ 4,376.00 *
Paid March invoices $ 2,214.88
Total $ 6,590.88 *
Additional invoice added for dehumidifier for $775.20
Reconciliation of Accounts:
The Bank of Greene County
Money Market Checking Balance $218,283.34
Checking Balance $ 5,249.40
Plus Deposit 3/11/14 $ 2,000.00
Less Outstanding checks $ 5,167.05
Checking Balance to date $ 2,082.35
Money Market and Checking Account Total $220,365.69
Capital Reserve Fund $ 33,475.52
Reserve Fund $ 29,555.71
A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer to accept the Treasurers report, seconded by Commissioner Rifenburgh. All in favor. So carried.
- RBC Wealth Management February account statement - $294,743.68
- Letter from Philip Malloy, Jr. of Association of Fire Districts of Nassau County seeking support in election for 2nd Vice President of the state association.
- Commissioner Bauer got quotes from Culligan on the water filtration system of $l599.95 installed with filter, no service. If leased there would be service. He also got a quote from Ron Hapeman for $1600.00 installed. He did not mention filter installation. He would replace the valve, which is leaking, and replace the anodes. Commissioner Bauer said that Mr. Hapeman does not have liability insurance. After discussion, the board would rather have a local person do the work. A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Rifenburgh to have Ron Hapeman install the system. All in favor. So carried.
- Commissioner Saulpaugh reported the dehumidifier has come in.
- Commissioner Saulpaugh will get a quote from Bob Moore for the standby generator for Station #1
- VRS will schedule when weather warms up for changing oil and servicing pumps. Joe Palumbo can do the van and 602 at anytime.
- LOSAP: Commissioner Schiller has been preparing the LOSAP paperwork on calls, drills and work details. The Commissioners have to sign that they saw the list before it is posted. Then once posted for one month, papers must be signed by Commissioners again.
- A letter should be sent to Jordon Schoonmaker that he has not met the requirements of membership in the District. We have sent him a letter asking what his intention is but have not heard from him nor has the Chief.
- OSHA: Chairman Schiller apologized for the confusion and errors that were made on the OSHA requirements. To move forward on this, he has asked the Chief and Officers to come up with a way to handle training for OSHA. It is clear that no one wants to go to an 8-hours class and it has never been dictated when and how training has to be completed. It would be possible to have someone who we can have run a course for 2 – 3 hours for a few weeks New members must do15 hours of OSHA their first year and other members 8 hours per year. There was also discussion of lowering the probationary period from two years to one year. Chief Gooderham has spoken to Bob Cerwinski, Chief of Pittsfield Fire Department who would do it for $400.00. He is free in May and could be done in a few evenings. Commissioner Rifenburgh would like to hire him for this year and then we can decide what to do for next year. For those that do not make this class, they will have to take it by the end of the year or they will become inactive. They now will have two months notice to attend this May meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh to hire Chief Cerwinski, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
- Commissioner Rifenburgh has talked to Paul D’Onofrio and he can come and teach the HAZMAT refresher, which is separate from OSHA.
- ALARM LAW: The attorney did prepare the alarm law. After review, a motion was made to accept the draft from Andy Howard by Commissioner Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried. This will be forwarded to the Town Board.
- BAILOUT SYSTEM: The Chief would like to purchase a bailout system. Proposed approaching the Carmelites for $5000.00 for the system and has drafted a letter.
Commissioner Rifenburgh wanted to know if the Carmelites get the donation letter from the fire company, because she does not think they should get a separate one for this. Ron Rifenburgh suggested taking the funds from the equipment budget, seek a grant or ask the state because they are requiring these. Bruce Potts does not think a religious organization should be approached and James Potts, Sr. does not think that they can donate funds.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer to take the funds from the equipment funds, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
- At the special meeting, it was brought up about the course for Commissioners and whether it should be attended each election year. It is believed that each time a Commissioner is re-elected they should attend training. Commissioner Bauer will look into when the next course is offered.
- 2/2/14 – Alarm activation – 694 Church Ave.
2/2/14 – Ice Rescue Drill on Commons Road with 1 hour OSHA training – 12 members attended.
2/11/14 – Ice Rescue Drill with Germantown at Palatine Park with four members present.
2/24/14 – Two hours OSHA training watching videos, discussing scene safety, ground ladder placement, ventilation and roof ladder safety.
Bailout Systems: The Chief and officers met with MES regarding bailout systems. They looked at several systems and discussed having the air packs converted by Scott Air, but they did not want to convert. They would lease them. The Chief decided on the harness/rope combination system known as a FDNY Style Class 2 Harness and an escape tech rope bag. This was the least expensive system and the price for each firefighter would be $488.99 each and would not include the NFPA approved relay equipment, needed for training at the County’s training tower. The Chief is asking for eight harnesses and ten bags.
A motion was made to accept the Chiefs report by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
The Treasurer is adding $775.20 to the proposed March invoices for payment of the dehumidifier.
A motion was made to pay bills by Commissioner Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
Ron Rifenburgh is glad the OSHA training was looked at and he feels that they went in the right direction.
Bob Desmond asked how much difference between OSHA training for fire departments and driving a truck. They are not interchangeable per the OSHA representative that Commissioner Rifenburgh and Chief Gooderham spoke to.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:10 P.M. by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Rifenburgh.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary