APRIL 9, 2014
The Clermont Planning Board held their regular meeting on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Jennifer Phillips, Mary Howard, Tom Jantzen and Robert Queirolo. Aldo Dusman was absent. Also present were Andy Howard, Town Attorney, George Schmitt, Town Engineer, Robert Desmond, Richard Wood and Ray Tousey.
MINUTES: The minutes of the March 12, 2014 meeting were reviewed and a motion made to approve by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Jennifer Phillips. All in favor. So carried.
RICHARD WOOD: Dr. Wood is interested in property at 175 Nevis Road, three acres in the RA zone. He would like to set up a home micro distillery for wholesale sales. There is a house and small shed on the property. He would like to put up a larger building, approximately 1000 square feet, for the distillery. He is seeking information so that before he purchases the property, he can be fairly certain that this is allowed. Jennifer Phillips asked what feed stock would be used for the distillery? He stated that he would use maple syrup, corn syrup, apples; what ever is not saleable can be used. Robert Queirolo asked if he plans to sell to liquor storeowners’ etc.? Dr. Wood stated that it would be by delivery, so there would be no increased traffic. Andy Howard checked in the zoning and believes this would fall under manufacturing, light industrial in the RA. Dr. Wood would need a special permit and site plan review. George Schmitt asked what would happen with the waste. It is mostly water waste. Jennifer said it could be specified what to do with any waste. Mary Howard suggested that there may be odor, but the board does not think so. The still is 4 feet around, three feet high. Robert asked how much liquid is produced? There is a quota as to how much you can sell in a year. The board said that Dr. Wood needs to have a layout of the property, building, any parking, signage if needed, and suggested he go to ZBA application night tomorrow night.
RAYMOND TOUSEY: 1783 Route 9 – Tax Map ID#181.3-1-6.110
Mr. Tousey is proposing use of a barn on his property for social events. He has not yet determined the exact use, number of occasions or total occupancy for the building. He is meeting with an engineer who will help him determine the size of the septic he will be required to have once he determines the use. Robert Queirolo asked if insurance company would be involved because of fire codes. It is possible that he will need a sprinkler system in the barn. Mr. Tousey said that the insurance company considers it a farm activity. He stated he would use his own well if he has good water. He will come to the next meeting with more information.
SASHA PEARL: Received an email from Ms. Pearl who is considering a mobile kitchen to vend made to order food. She has approached a farm on Route 9 as a potential location and wants to know about zoning along Route 9. Our attorney thinks this would be considered an eating establishment if in a fixed location. If she was a mobile kitchen, using sites along the road, the town could not regulate it.
A motion was made to adjourn by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Tom Jantzen and Mary Howard at 8:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon