JUNE 16, 2014
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Deputy Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Commissioner Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh and Commissioner Raymond Bauer. Chairman Schiller was absent. Also present were Chief Fred Gooderham, Treasurer Denise Fiore and Robert Desmond.
Deputy Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner S. Rifenburgh to accept the minutes of the June meeting. All in favor. So carried.
Total amount of May 2014 invoices paid $ 3,745.20
Proposed June 2014 invoices $17,433.18 *
Paid June 2014 invoices $ 3,690.25
Total $21,123.43
*Adjusted amount
Reconciliation of Accounts:
The Bank of Greene County Balances to Date
Money Market Balance $203,415.32
Checking Balance $ 5,170.23
Less Outstanding Checks $ 2,486.25
Checking Balance to Date $ 2,683.98
Money Market & Checking account total $206,099.30
Capital Reserve Fund $ 33,496.86
Reserve Fund $ 29,574.55
A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh to accept the Treasurers Report.
- Received the NFPA Catalog
- Letter from Physio Control – Medical Device Notice on Lifepak 1000 defibrillator.
- Sent to Columbia County for reimbursement for two physicals.
- Sent letters to six members regarding getting their physicals.
- Received a notice of cancellation for workers compensation on ARB Upstate Communications.
- RBC Wealth Management statement for May - $293,425.09.
- LOSAP Contribution reminder, Penflex executive summaries for the Commissioners and participant statements to be handed out to the members.
- Received four alarm registrations of the 20 sent and sent nine packages out to security companies and one was returned undeliverable.
- The Sheriffs Department now has an online registration for alarm systems.
- The Treasurer received notice of Com-Tech change of address.
- Our accountant has completed the audit for 2013 and all is in order.
- Received a new engagement letter from Rodenhausen Chale, LLP in Rhinebeck, which are the bond attorneys that we used for the bonding of the truck purchase. The Treasurer will complete and return.
- Tyler Case will be doing the mowing at Station #1 because the highway department will not be doing it anymore. After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Bauer to hire Tyler Case to mow Station #1 for $45.00 every two weeks or as needed, seconded by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh. All in favor. So carried.
- Commissioner Bauer will get a price from Dutchess Signs on a 25 foot flagpole at Station #1.
- Commissioner Bauer asked about moving diesel fuel tank from Station #2 to Station #1. Must have a poured slab and electric and posts around it. Commissioner Bauer will check into this.
- Commissioner Schiller talked to Fingar Insurance and we do owe on the Accident Policy because, although included in the quote from Fingar Insurance, it is not billed by Utica Insurance.
- OSHA: The Chief reported that all but one member has completed the OSHA training. After discussion, it was thought that either a phone call from a Commissioner or a registered letter to the one member asking if he is moving out of the district and letting him know that he needs to complete OSHA if he is not moving.
- Truck #602 and #603 have been serviced. Trucks #601 and #604 need to be done. The Chief said that Ralph Torchia was asking about doing the servicing. Commissioner R. Rifenburgh suggested having Dick Shakerly complete the servicing this year and have Shakerly and Torchia put in quotes next year.
No Report.
No report
No report.
- Treasurer Fiore reported that in order to close out the FEMA grant, there are a number of questions and statements, which have to be answered. Commissioner R. Rifenburgh suggested contacting Linda McLean, who wrote the grant for the district. The requested amount was $37,965; we received $36,067; we spent $34,323 and have a balance of $1,744.00, which must be spent or returned. The Commissioners proposed to submit for the air tests, which were just done at about $225 each for 3 and have the air compressor serviced, which should use up the balance of the grant.
- Larry has the paperwork for the Hover Grant but needs to know what we need to purchase. The Chief suggested rescue-stabilizing struts.
There was one call for May:
- 5/9/14 AAPD – State Route 9
- 5/4/14 -Drilled with rescue struts and air bags. Demo – Vehicle Stabilization – 8 firefighters attended.
- 5/20/14 - OSHA Part I, 17 attended,
- 5/27/14 - OSHA Part II, 15 attended.
- Electronic Flares: The Chief would like to order 3 sets of 6 each for $109.00. A motion was made by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
- A set of gear has been ordered for a new member.
- Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked how many escape systems were ordered. There were five ordered and 5 members have them. The Chief will get one set back from a member who is no longer an interior firefighter. The firefighters will be training with someone from Hudson.
- It was suggested that the Chief call MES for fit tests because they give a record of the test and are certified.
The Treasurer’s report will be adjusted as follows:
Void the payment to Haltermans for $90.00
Add payment to VRS for $1506.38
Add payment to Joes Auto for $35.00
Add payment to Northern Dutchess for $350.00
A motion was made by Commissioner Susan Rifenburgh to pay the bills as adjusted, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
- Bob Desmond asked why it cost so much to service the trucks. The trucks service consists of pump tests, pump service, engine oil change, chassis service, etc.
A motion was made at 9:25 P.M. to adjourn by Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary