JULY 21, 2014
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, July 21, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Mark Schiller, Commissioner Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh and Commissioner Raymond Bauer.
Also in attendance were Chief Fred Gooderham, Treasurer Denise Fiore and Bob Desmond.
Chairman Schiller opened the meeting with a salute to the flag.
MINUTES: Chairman Schiller asked that the June minutes, under Insurance, be changed to read ‘that the Accident policy was included in the quote from Fingar Insurance but is not billed by Utica Insurance’. A motion was made by Commissioner Susan Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh to approve the minutes with change. All in favor. So carried.
Total amount of June invoices paid $ 21,123.43
Proposed July invoices $ 37,950.55
Paid July invoices $ 2,112.91
Total $ 40,063.46
Reconciliation of Accounts:
The Bank of Greene County Balances to Date
Money Market Checking Balance $187,455.76
Checking Balance $ 1,278.21
Less Outstanding Checks $ 2,130.89
Plus Deposit (7/11) $ 2,000.00
Checking Balance to Date $ 1,247.32
Money Market & Checking Account Total $188,703.08
Capital Reserve Fund: $ 33,504.09
Reserve Fund: $ 29,580.93
A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
- RBC Wealth Management Account statement for June - $294,099.13
- Janelli Security responded to Fire Alarm Law letter with five new security customers, letters were sent along with five additional letters to residents in Clermont.
- NYS Department of Labor – letter regarding educational program on Public Employee Safety and Health Bureau (PESH) classes.
- Received completed physical forms on the following:
Otis Barringer, Tyler Case, Doug Kussius, Richard Larsen, Jr. John Myers, Bruce Potts, Ronald Rifenburgh, Laurence Saulpaugh, Mark Schiller and John Vucich.
- Chairman Schiller received a call about subscribing to a company dealing with legal issues affecting fire districts. They will be sending a sample monthly newsletter.
- Commissioner Bauer received a quote from Kol Rocklea Memorials for a 25 foot flagpole for $1200 plus shipping. This will be set near the sign.
- Commissioner Bauer got a quote from Decker Construction for a 10x10x6 slab to place the fuel tank at Station #1 for $2100.00. He asked what side of the building they would want it placed. After some discussion, most feel that the north side would be the best spot. Commissioner Saulpaugh made a motion to install the flagpole by the sign and install the pad for the fuel tank on the north side of the building, seconded by Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh. All in favor. So carried.
- Purchasing a water softener for Station #1 was approved in April and Commissioner Bauer would like to see it installed this month.
- Commissioner Bauer would also like to see the bathroom ceiling repaired and painted. Chief Gooderham said that he would be able to do it.
No Report
- QUOTES FOR STABILIZATION STRUTS: MES - $8760.76, Garrison – $8,079.10 for Hover Grant. There was discussion on the need for these, as the department does not do many trench rescues or structural collapse and we do not have the training or personnel. Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh would rather see a purchase for something more useful. If this equipment is needed, Livingston can be called.
Commissioner Bauer asked if there was a demonstration because he doesn’t have the knowledge on this. He would like to be called when there is going to be a demonstration of equipment. Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh suggested a light tower on Truck #603 to be purchased with the Hover Grant. Chairman Schiller had a concern at to where struts would be carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh that the application to the Hover Fund should be submitted for a light tower for Truck #603 with the district paying the balance for the light and installation, seconded by Commissioner Susan Rifenburgh. All in favor. So carried.
- Booster line was leaking on Truck #604.
- Commissioner Susan Rifenburgh asked if the beneficiary statements were filled out. They were given to members at the last meeting.
OSHA: There is one member that does not have the OSHA training, and six members who have not had the Blood Borne Pathogens class. Pete Cichetti’s wife is certified and will get a copy of certification for the Chief and will give them the course.
- PHYSICALS: There are six who do not have their physicals. A letter will be written giving them until 8/18/14 to have their physicals or their status will become inactive. Also, the Chief will call them.
- The batteries for Life Pak defibrillators were checked and are fine.
- Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh asked if the flares have come in and they haven’t.
- Compressor breathing air test: Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh suggested that this could be done once a year. He will call MES to see if they need to do this.
- Fire School, September 2nd – There are none signed up from Clermont but five from other services.
- FIT test is setup for August 5th with MES. Bailout systems are held by four members who have not been trained. There was just a class in Greenport, which the Chief found out about late. MES charges $25.00 per person and $25.00 fuel surcharge.
- Treasurer Fiore closed out the FEMA Grant. A thank you will be sent to Linda McLean.
No Report
There were eleven calls for June:
6/1/14 – Fire Alarm Activation – 170 Moore Road
6/3/14 – Wires Down – 600 Woods Road
6/5/14 – Alarm Activation – 651 County Route 6
6/6/14 – Mutual Aid - Standby for Tivoli
6/9/14 – Alarm Activation – 140 Commons Road
6/18/14 – Alarm Activation – 3747 State Route 9G
6/25/14 – Water Emergency – 135 County Route 6
6/26/14 – Water Emergency – 451 County Route 6
6/27/14 – Alarm Activation – 431 Woods Road
6/28/14 – Controlled Burn – 1403 State Route 9
6/10/14 – CPR Class – 7 attended
6/23/14 – Blood Borne Pathogens
Work Details:
Set up for BBQ and Superintendents BBQ.
- Truck will be going to the Columbia County Fireman’s Parade in Kinderhook on July 26th.
- Truck #604 will be going to the Columbia County Fairgrounds for firefighter #1 class on July 28th.
- Truck #603 will be going to the training tower for live burn on August 11th. Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh asked if truck #603 was finally fixed. It has not been.
- Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh asked if truck #603 and #604 been serviced. Appointments should be set up by the end of August. He would like to see Joe Palumbo doing the servicing on the trucks because his prices are reasonable.
- Joe Vucich has turned in his gear because he is no longer a member and Travis Jubin will be coming back to the area next month.
A motion was made to accept the Chiefs report by Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to pay the bills by Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Ron Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to adjourn at 8:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary