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Planning Board – July 2019


 July 10, 2019

The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Larry Saulpaugh, Nathan Hempel, Mary Howard, Ron Miller, Jennifer Phillips and Clayton Andrus. Others present were George Schmitt, Engineer for the Town, Matthew Griesemer, Attorney for the Town.

After review of the June 2019 minutes, a motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, to accept the minutes.  All in favor. So carried.

Motion to close the regular meeting and open the Public Hearing for Pamela Haug of Moore Farm LLC, was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Clayton Andrus.  All in favor.  So carried.

Pamela Haug, Moore Farm LLC, 301 Nevis Road, Tax ID# 191.01-1-29, is applying for a Minor Subdivision.  The Board reviewed the survey map.  There were no questions from the audience.  Motion to close the Public Hearing and return to the regular meeting was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Nathan Hempel.  All in favor. So carried.Matthew Griesemer read the SEQRA, recommending a negative impact.  Jennifer Phillips made a motion to declare a negative declaration, seconded by Mary Howard.  All in favor.  So carried.  Motion to accept as presented was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Nathan Hempel.  All in favor.  So carried.

Carmelite Sisters, 600 Woods Road, Tax ID# 179-1-69, represented by Rob Sasser from Tighe and Bond, proposes to build a 2400 square foot visitors’ cottage.  The Clermont State Historic Site raised the questions regarding the historic aspect of the current guest house.  Lighting will be dark sky compliant.  The site placement was discussed regarding the ability to view the new cottage from Woods Road.  Motion to accept the postal documentation of certified letters being sent to adjacent property owners in lieu of the returned signature cards was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Nathan Hempel.  All in favor, with the exception of one nay from Mary Howard. So carried.  Motion to to close the Public Hearing and return to the regular meeting was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Nathan Hempel.  All in favor.  So carried.  Matthew Griesemer read the SEQRA, recommending a negative declaration.  Motion for a negative declaration was made by Ron Miller, seconded by Clayton Andrus.  All in favor.  So carried.  Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Nathan Hempel to approve the project based on the fact it was in compliance with town and state zoning and environmental laws.  All in favor. So carried.

Anne Katrin Spiess, 356 County Route 6, Tax ID# 179.-1-48, represented by Eric Maskell of Natural Energy Solutions, appeared before the Board explaining the solar panels will be moved north, closer to the rear of the property, placing the panels 193 feet off the property line.  He was instructed to obtain a letter of approval from the abutting neighbor.  Motion was made by Ron Miller, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, to hold a Public Hearing on August 14, 2019 should the letter of approval from the neighbor not be obtained.  All in favor.  So carried. 

Motion to adjourn was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Jennifer Phillips.  All in favor. So carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:53pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Desiree M. Webber, Secretary