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Town Board – January 2019


JANUARY 7, 2019

The Clermont Town Board held the regular meeting of the Town Board following the Organizational meeting on Monday, January 7, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.  Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Dawn Brownson, Councilman Evan Hempel and Councilman Kris Gildersleeve.  There were four others present.

Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with a salute to the flag.

MINUTES: After review of the December 3rd and December 26th, a motion was made to accept them by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.  All in favor. So carried.

TOWN CLERKS REPORT: The clerk read the report for December and presented a check for the General fund for $1,799.50 and for Trust & Agency for $1,025.00 to the Supervisor. 


The budget and revenue reports for December 31, 2018 were presented to the board.


  • OPEN POSITION ON ZONING BOARD: The Town Board will hold interviews for an open ZBA position on Saturday, January 19 at 11:00 A.M. Any interested parties should contact the Clerk or a member of the Board.
  • PARK COMMITTEE: Mary Howard, Chair reported that Amy Parella has worked up a budget for the grant from Bank of Greene County for $8000 for the park entrance. Councilwoman Brownson said that the period for applying for the grant is open until January 15th and has received the proposed budget.
  • WEBSITE: Councilman Hempel is hoping to finish up work on the website now that the holidays are over.


  • Supervisor Staats and members of the Board met with Peter Fingar of Fingar Insurance at the year-end meeting. There is an increase of $499.00 over the previous year which is mostly from adding new equipment.  We can possibly reduce this by looking at our vehicles and their value which can reduce our policy amount.
  • INVESTING IDLE MONEY:  Supervisor Staats has been looking into investing idle  monies.  He met with the Bank of Greene County and he has decided to lock in at a 2% flat rate, transferring money in and out with no penalty.  He has transferred into this account.


  • The date to review the books of the Supervisor, Town Clerk, Tax Collector and both Town Justices is January 19th starting at 10:00 AM, The Board will be interviewing for the ZBA, Alternates for the ZBA, Planning and Environmental Management Council also at 11:00 A. M.
  • PARK: We have the new flagpole for the park, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clemente and Councilman Desmond asked if Councilman Gildersleeve would look into a POW flag for the flagpole.
  • HAIL STORM DAMAGE: Supervisor Staats will be in contact with the insurance adjusters to come back out to see the additional damage which has been found from the hail storm.
  • DEC: They are still looking for their payment from us for the Brownfield work that was done on the former Hettling property.  After our attorney reviews it all, we will be meeting with DEC.
  • DEVEREAUX:  We have not received anything regarding our objection to the purchase of another home in Clermont.  Our attorney is handling this.

SUPERVISORS REPORT: There were no meetings at the County.

  • There is a special election for the bonding for the purchase of a new fire truck to be held on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Town Hall for registered voters in the Clermont.Fire District.


A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson to approve Highway abstract #1, vouchers #1 – 4, in the amount of $4,276.75.  All in favor.  So carried.

A motion was made by Councilman Hempel, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve to approve General abstract #1, vouchers #1 – 19 in the amount of $21,569.45.  All in favor.  So carried.


Chris Nolan asked about County bus transportation.  Supervisor Staats said that this is subsidized by the County and they do come down this way once a week. Mary Howard explained that they are funded 80% for purchases by the federal government, 10% by the state and 10% by the county. The operating expenses are funded 50% by the federal government, 50% by the county.  For more information on the routes contact the Columbia County Planning Department. Supervisor Staats will bring more information next month.

Sarah Takacs asked about the purchase of a home in Clermont for a group home and if we get payment in lieu of taxes because of the loss of taxes on the purchase of this residence?  Supervisor Staats said we could ask if we do get to appeal this purchase by Devereaux.

A motion was made to adjourn at 7:40 by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon, RMC

Town Clerk