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Author: Ellen Earle


Clermont Town Court
Town Hall
1795 Route 9
Germantown, NY 12526
Phone: 518-537-6868

Town Justices
Richard Christensen (January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2027)
Phone: 518-537-5302

Ronald Banks (January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2025)
Phone: 518-537-4218

Court Hours
The Court Hours will begin at 5:00 P.M. on Thursdays.

Other Courts
Here’s a link to all the other Columbia County Courts.

School District

The Town of Clermont sends its children to three school districts. Our western and northern areas are in the Germantown Central School District, the middle part of town, along Route 9, is in the Red Hook School district, and our eastern reaches are located in the Pine Plains School District. The three school district websites are listed below:


Red Hook:
(Red Hook School District Map)

Pine Plains:

Fire District

Line Officers
Chief: Ronald Rifenburgh, 518-929-3607
1st Assistant Chief: Evan Decker
2nd Assistant Chief: Collin Brown
Captain: Joseph Scott, Jr.
1st Lt.: Chris Farewell
2nd Lt.: Brendan Hegarty

Fire Commissioners
Ronald Miller (1/1/2021 – 12/31/2025)
Joseph M. Scott, Jr. (1/1/2020 – 12/31/2024)
Laurence Saulpaugh (1/1/2022 -12/31/2026)
Karen Conners (1/1/2024 – 12/31/2028)
Marc Lebowitz (1/1/2023 – 12/31/2027)

Brian Fitzgerald, Treasurer, Yearly Appointment
Jen Flandreau, Secretary, Yearly Appointment

The Commissioners meet on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall, Clermont.

Related Websites
Clermont Fire District:
Clermont Fire Company:
Fire Chiefs:
NYS Fire Website for Fire Training:

About the Company
One of the most vigorous groups in a small community is its all-volunteer firemen and women’s auxiliary. Their labors are not only essential to lives and property of the community, but they provide a setting for many enjoyable social gatherings. They brighten the celebrations of the communities with their marching in various parades. The 1976 Bi-Centennial Parade at Hudson with the firemen of Clermont in colonial dress followed by the Ladies Auxiliary in delightful colonial gowns, was a crowning example of such participation. In addition they provide a working nucleus for many community projects. A booklet such as this cannot exclude a heartfelt salute to all the men and women who have served their fellow townspeople so valiantly through the decades.

From the Dedication of the Clermont Firehouse, in August, 1961, the following information is excerpted. “As a result of a discussion between Mrs. Mary Livingston, mother of Robert R. Livingston of Cheviot, and the Supervisor of the Town of Clermont, Harold Wilson, Jr., the Clermont Fire District was established and the company organized. The first fire truck was purchased in 1928. An organizational meeting was called on June 28, 1928, by Supervisor Wilson. The first officers of the company were: Captain, Paul Poleschner; First Lieutenant, Alonzo Every; Secretary, R. Lasher; President, T.A. Gaty, Jr.; Vice President, Edmond Hamm; and Treasurer, Walter Decker. On the director’s committee-Wesley Potts, Frank Finger, and Charles A. Dunker; and representative to the town board, Harold Wilson.

The first fire was at the Joseph Wagner farm at Blue Stores. In October of 1958, Bingo was started at the Community Hall. Need for protection on the west side of town led to the new firehouse on 9G at the Old Cross District Schoolhouse. Renovation was completed by 1961.

To bring history up to date: Soon after the basement in the new firehouse was completed. Within five years a well-equipped recreation room was finished. There is additional space if the upstairs hall becomes too crowded. Storage and a utility room with an outside entrance to the basement were added.

Mr. George Fonti donated land to the south of the firehouse on which a 50 x 96 foot steel pavilion was erected. It accommodates about 500 people during firemen’s outdoor affairs. Later land was purchased from Mr. G. Fonti and Mr. Raymond Fonti for a parking area and highway access to 9G.

In 1967 a new firetruck arrived, a 750 gallon a minute, 3 stage pump, with a 1,000 gallon reserve tank capable of delivering high pressure fog. Later additional land was purchased from Mr. Richard Denegar in back of the main firehouse-this in anticipation of building cooking facilities in proximity to the pavilion.

The Fire Department purchased a new firetruck in 1988 – 1,250 gallon per minute pump.

Clermont Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary was formed in 1959. Its main purpose is to help the firemen when needed. This very active group has raised monies to help maintain and furnish the Firehouse which is located on Route 9G. The well-equipped kitchen, air conditioner, and the drapes are just a few of their contributors. Their activities include the catering of parties, banquets, weddings, anniversaries, and dinners. The annual card party is a fund-raising affair. Refreshments at the Thursday night Bingo games are also part of the Auxiliary activities.

They are called upon to serve refreshments at fires which can be quite a chore especially in freezing weather. This group helps out financially if a family has suffered severe fire losses. It also makes donations to the various organizations in the county. Clermont is extremely fortunate in having an active Fire Company and Ladies Auxiliary.

Regular Monthly Meetings are held the third Monday of each month except for July and August.

Parks & Recreation

Parks in Clermont

Clermont has two adjacent recreational parks: Clermont Park and Hettling Park at Clermont. When combined, these two parks offer a complex of over 26 acres of outdoor space for the community to enjoy. Both parks are owned and managed by the Town of Clermont.

Clermont Park, located at 1212 Route 6, offers several opportunities for sports and recreation, namely swings, half basketball court, little league baseball field, vernal pool, and hiking trails.

Hettling Park at Clermont, located at 1811 Route 9, offers soccer fields, walking trails and a hilltop veterans monument with fabulous views of the Catskill Mountains.

Clermont’s Future Park Complex

In 2018, the Clermont Town Board decided to permanently preserve, protect, maintain, improve and enhance its natural resources, parkland and recreational opportunities for current and future generations. To that end, the Town Board created the volunteer Park Committee to provide recommendations for the development of the park, draft a proposed budget associated with the recommendations, identify potential funding sources and recommend a phased implementation plan.

The future park complex will include Clermont Park and Hettling Park at Clermont, and will feature universal design/ADA accessibility, sustainable and wildlife-friendly plantings, an all abilities playground, wayfinding and interpretive signage, and benches.

Details on improvements to Clermont Park and the Plan for Hettling Park at Clermont can be found here.

The Park Committee is always looking for new members and volunteers. If you are interested in joining this all-volunteer effort, please complete this form.

Find additional park information here:

Waste Disposal

Columbia County Solid Waste
Fax: 518-828-2245

Livingston Convenience Station
Tuesday, 7:30 AM · 12:00 PM
Saturday, 7:30 AM · 4:00 PM

Germantown Convenience Station
Wednesday, 7:30 AM · 12:00 PM
Saturday, 7:30 AM · 4:00 PM

Greenport Transfer Station
Tuesday · Saturday, 7:30 AM · 4:00 PM
Monday: Commercial Disposal Only
Scale Closes Every Day at 3:00 PM

*Note: Official county bags required for household waste & recycling permits are available at the Town Clerks Office.

Public Hearing on Noise Ordinance

The Clermont Town Board will hold a public hearing on Local Law No. 2 of 2018 on the proposal to adopt Noise Control Regulations in the Town of Clermont at the regularly scheduled Town Board meeting on June 4, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. followed by a review of SEQRA and by the adoption of Local Law No. 3 of 2018 to amend the present zoning ordinance to include the Noise Control Ordinance, if necessary, at 6:45 P.M. at the Town Hall, 1795 Route 9, Clermont. Any interested persons are invited to attend.

The proposed Noise Control Ordinance is posted below or copies will be available at the Town Hall during the regular hours of the Town Clerk, Thursdays 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. or Saturdays, 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

Please note that the Town Clerk’s office will be closed on Thursday, May 24th and Saturday, May 26th.