Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals
1795 Route 9
Germantown, New York 12526
May 22, 2024
The Clermont ZBA held its regular meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 7:30pm at the Town Hall. The meeting started with a salute to the flag. Members attending were Hank Himelright, Don Van Wagner, Lee Gallant, Luke Kumburis, and Tami Connolly.
Hank Himelright asked if anyone had any additions, corrections or omissions to the minutes of the last meeting, March 27, 2024. A motion was made by Lee Gallant, seconded by Don Van Wagner, to approve the March 2024 minutes. All in favor. So carried. A meeting was not held for April 2024.
There was no new business.
Daric Schlesselman, Van Burnt Stillhouse, 1931 Route 9, Tax ID #181-1-12, The Board discussed there has been no progress on the project. Due to a lack of information and the extended time since the application was submitted, motion was made by Lee Gallant, seconded by Luke Kumburis, to deny the application.
Roll Call Vote: Hank Himelright yes
Don Van Wagner, yes
Lee Gallant, yes
Luke Kumburis, yes
Ben Peacock, yes
All in favor. So carried. Mr. Schlesselman will be notified the application has been denied and he is welcome to reapply should he wish to. Copies of the notice will also be sent to the Clermont Town Clerk and the Town Attorney.
With no other business, motion was made by Ben Peacock, seconded by Lee Gallant, to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:39pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Desiree M. Webber, Secretary