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Author: Kris Gildersleeve

Town Board – 2024 Budget Workshop

SEPTEMBER 19, 2023

The Clermont Town Board held a budget workshop on the 2024 Budget on Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Supervisor Staats, Councilman Desmond, Councilwoman Brownson, Councilman Gildersleeve and Councilwoman Lusher-Shute.

Supervisor Staats opened the workshop and went through all the budget and revenue accounts in the General and Highway funds.

Discussion regarding Salaries:


SUPERVISOR $ 5,800.00
TOWN BOARD (4 Members each getting $2,700) $10,800.00
TOWN CLERK $ 9,200.00
TOWN JUSTICES (2 Justices each getting $5,900) $11,800.00
TAX COLLECTOR $ 4,900.00
ASSESSOR $16,500.00

*Salary increases were approved for 2 full time highway employees

The following are the changes that have been suggested:

Town Board
A1010.4 contractual – increase from $500 to $1000.

A1110.11 Personal Services-Clerk $4700 to $4800
A1110.43 Court Security- Decrease $5000. To $1000

A1220.4 contractual-Increase from $11,000 to $12,000.

Tax Collection
No Change

A1355.4 Contractual Expenses – Increase from $1000 to $1500.

Town Clerk
A1410.12-Personal Services-Deputy-Increased from $1000 to $1500

1620.1- Personal Service Increase from $1950 to $2000
1620.4 – contractual – increased from $50,000 to $60,000
1620.41- contractual/oil – Decrease from $8000. to $7000
1620.42- contractual/electric – increased from $3000 to $4000

Special Items
A1910.4 Unallocated Insurance Increase from $18,000 to $20,000
A1920.4 Municipal Assoc Dues Decreased from $800 to $600

Control of Dogs
3510.10 increased from $4425 to $4500

A 8010.1 Increased from $5600 to $5900

A8020.1 Increased from $7300 to $7700

Respectfully submitted,
Tracey J Gallant
Town Clerk

Planning Board – September 2023


September 13, 2023

The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 7:30pm at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Larry Saulpaugh, Mary Howard, Jennifer Phillips, Tom Jantzen, Ron Miller, and Nathan Hempel. Matthew Griesemer, Attorney for the Town was also in attendance.

After review of the August 9, 2023 minutes, motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Tom Jantzen, to approve the minutes. All in favor.
So carried.

Micah Geraghty, Cedar Hill Road, Tax ID #191.1-1-87, returned to the Board for a continuation of the August Public Hearing. The Applicant is seeking a Minor Subdivision of 28.22 acres from 1 parcel to 4 parcels. Presenting the project was Darrin Epsom and Christian Denniston, of Kaaterskill Associates. They provided an updated survey and Engineering Plans which included addressing the review letter from CPL Engineering. SEQRA was read by Mary Howard. Motion was made by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Ron Miller, to close the Public Hearing and return to the regular meeting. All in favor. So carried. Motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Nathan Hempel, to approve the proposed subdivision, with conditions. Mary Howard voted no, with the remainder of the Board members voting yes to approve. With the majority of Board members approval, the motion was carried. Motion was made by Nathan Hempel, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, to approve the proposed Lot Line Adjustment with conditions. All in favor. So carried. The following conditions were declared by the Board:
1) Should the ultimate area of disturbance be 5 acres or more, the Applicant shall return to the Planning Board for a full SWPPP.
2) The Applicant will comply with National Grid’s requirements. Should this result in a material change to the site plan, the Applicant shall return to the Planning Board for a review of the material change.
3) The applicant will supply deed descriptions for all lots at the earliest available time.
The Lot Line Adjustment is as follows:
Geraghty is 191.1-1-87
Werner is 191.1-1-19.11
The parcels to be revised are identified as tax map parcel 191.1-1-87 & 191.1-1-19.11. The proposed subdivision will create 3 lots from tax map parcel 191.1-1-87 and two right of ways on tax map parcel 191.1-1-19.11.

With no further business, a motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Tom Jantzen, to adjourn. All in favor. So carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Desiree M. Webber,


The Clermont Town Board will hold a budget workshop on Tuesday September 19th at 6:30pm at the Town Hall, 1795 Route 9. The board will discuss any other business which may come before the board. A second workshop will be held on Monday, September 25th at 6:30pm if necessary.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

By Tracey J Gallant, Town Clerk

Town Board – September 2023

Town of Clermont
Monthly Meeting
September 5, 2023

The Clermont Town Board held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 5th, 2023 at the Town Hall. Town Board members present Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Dawn Brownson and Councilman Kris Gildersleeve. Councilwoman Lindsey Lusher Shute was unable to attend. Amy Parrella was in attendance to present for Park Committee. There were also a couple of Town residents in attendance.

  1. Call Meeting to Order @7PM by Supervisor Staats with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Approval of prior Town Board Meeting Minutes- Motion Made by Councilman Desmond, Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So carried.
  3. Written Communications
    • Town Clerk Report
      • Total for General Fund $1623.97
      • Total for Ag & Mkts $14.00
      • Total for Columbia County Solid Waste $59.80
      • Total report for August 2023 $1697.77
    • Mail Review- Supervisor Staats read letter from NYS DOT regarding school bus stops on Route 9. Bus stop has been moved to Bingham’s Mill Road. New signs have been added and/or moved for better warnings. Per NYS DOT a resolution would be required from Clermont and Livingston to conduct speed study for a possible reduction in speed.
      • Resolution 43-2023 Motion made by Councilman Desmond Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So Carried.
      • Clerk will send Resolution and letter to NYS DOT
    • Web Committee-None
  1. Committee Reports and Updates
    • Councilman Desmond-
      • Loader is repaired and back to Garage. Increased cost to repair due to unforeseen issues.
    • Councilwoman Lusher Shute-Absent
      • No report
    • Councilman Gildersleeve
      • New Printer/Copier installed-Configuring will be needed to laptops, Town Clerks desktop completed.
    • Councilwoman Brownson-
      • Reported from Daily Freeman did a story on Clermont Academy. Can be found on front page of Tuesday, September 5th edition.
  2. Old Business
    • Park Committee-Presentation by Amy
      • Bulbs from Color blends $1016.40
      • Planting of Bulbs by Lehans $2997.27
        Motion to approve expense by Councilman Gildersleeve, Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So Carried.
      • Plants from Deeproots Direct $1920.54
      • Planting of Plants by Lehans $2992.90
        Motion to approve expense by Councilman Desmond, Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So Carried.
      • Donated Plants have been planted
      • Park committee will resume meetings soon with summer closing out
    • Comprehensive Plan update-Mary Howard unable to attend. Reported by Councilwoman Brownson.
      • Open House held at Clermont Firehouse on August 19th a success.
      • Survey closes on September 8th.
    • Reval update-Letters are out and expected to be returned if there are any changes by Tuesday, September 12, 2023.
    • Painting of Town Hall-He is working daily on the painting
    • Electrical Work AC Units installed and working, potential savings of Electric and Fuel. Lighting will be started in ~ 1 Month.
      • Supervisor Staats again thanked Court Clerk Lee for his work on getting this grant that significantly reduced the cost associated to these upgrades.
    • Sales Tax checks are still coming in ~ 3% above last year’s checks
  3. Supervisor Reports
    • Turkey Hill Repair Bids-Deteriorating bank/not an emergency repair needed. CPL put the project out to Bid and received only a sole Bidder/Colarusso. Project can be rebid in the spring. The expected cost of the project was ~ 150,000 and the sole bid received was for ~ 450,000.

      Resolution 42 of 2023 to reject all bids.
      Motion to reject all bids by Councilman Gildersleeve, Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So Carried.
      Turkey Hill Repair Bids-Deteriorating bank/not an emergency repair needed. CPL put the project out to Bid and received only a sole Bidder/Colarusso. Project can be rebid in the spring. The expected cost of the project was ~ 150,000 and the sole bid received was for ~ 450,000.

      Resolution 42 of 2023 to reject all bids.
      Motion to reject all bids by Councilman Gildersleeve, Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So Carried.
    • Budget Workshop- Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 at 6;30PM, second workshop if needed on Monday September 25th at 6:30PM if needed.
    • Turkey Hill Repair Bids-Deteriorating bank/not an emergency repair needed. CPL put the project out to Bid and received only a sole Bidder/Colarusso. Project can be rebid in the spring. The expected cost of the project was ~ 150,000 and the sole bid received was for ~ 450,000.
    • County working on budget
    • Solid Waste department being looked at. Currently the county is supporting solid waste at a loss and it has been suggested that they raise fees. Only ~ 34% of residents use the facilities however 100% of residents pay for it. Privatization is also being looked at.
  4. Motion To Pay Abstracts
    • Motion to pay Highway abstract #9 Vouchers #103-115 $38662.15 By Councilman Gildersleeve Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So carried.
    • Motion to pay General abstract #9 Vouchers #231B-249 $35428.18 By Councilwoman Brownson Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So carried.
    • Motion to pay General Prepaid abstract #9a Voucher #228-231A $918.93 By Councilman Desmond Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So carried.
    • Motion to pay Trust and Agency abstract #3 Vouchers #4-5 $332.61 By Councilman Gildersleeve Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So carried.

Public Communication/Comments to the Board

Request for Councilwoman Brownson to contact Germantown Historian regarding excavation archives.

Motion to adjourn at 7:43PM by Councilman Desmond Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So carried.

Respectfully submitted.
Tracey J Gallant
Town Clerk

ZBA Agenda for August 23, 2023

1795 Route 9
Germantown, NY 12526
August 23, 2023
7:30 PM


    a). Daric Schlessman, Van Burnt Stillhouse, 1931 Route 9, TAX ID#181-1-12, seeking variance for warehouse, office space and tasting room.
    b). Colin Brown, 73 Trout Creek Road, Tax ID #192-00-01-96, requesting an Area Variance for required side set back.