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Community & News

Park Workshop, Hand Sanitizer and Mask Distribution Wednesday, June 17.

The town Hall will be open to the public on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 5pm.

Additional face masks will be handed out to any community member that is in need (until supplies last) between 5pm and 7pm. There is a limited amount, but they will be handed out while supplies last.

If anyone in the community is in need of hand sanitizer, please bring a small bottle with you and we can refill your bottles.

There will be a Park Workshop following the above activities help at 7pm to discuss the town park rules and signs in preparation of ordering/purchasing signs to be posted in the town park.

June 23rd Primary voting location changes.

Due to the Covid-19 situation, it is not possible to open all of the usual polling places, and many voters will need to go to new polling locations in order to vote in person on the June 23rd Election Day. On June 23rd, (in person) Clermont voters must vote at the Germantown Activity Building (54 Palatine Park Road, Germantown).

For more information, see the Columbia County, NY Board of Elections web site.

School Budget Votes

Message from the Pine Plains Central School District:

In accordance with Executive Order No. 202.26, the Budget Vote and School Board Election will be held remotely, by Absentee Ballot only.  Qualified voters of the Pine Plains Central School District will receive absentee ballots by mail.

The Public Hearing on the Budget Vote and Election will be held remotely on May 27, 2020 at 7:00 pm, it will stream live at this link  The budget materials are available on the Budget Vote tab and in BoardDocs on the Pine Plains Central School District website.  If any community members have questions and/or comments regarding the budget, please email the district clerk at  Please email your questions by 7:30 pm on the night of the Public Hearing, or email before the meeting.

No specific information has yet been provided to the town from the other school districts, but their web sites are provided here:
Germantown Central School District
Red Hook Central School District

Clermont Town Hall closed to the public until further notice.

May 14, 2020: The Town Hall will continue to be closed until further notice. Meetings normally held in the Town Hall will not take place until the Town Hall reopens.

April 6, 2020: Reminder that all meetings normally held at the Town Hall will NOT take place while the Town Hall is closed. This includes the month of April and will continue until further notice.

March 16, 2020: Due to the Corona virus and health concerns of the staff, the Clermont Town Hall is closed to the public until further notice. Please leave a message for the Town clerk at 518-537-6868 for assistance and/or scheduling if necessary. Sorry for this inconvenience and hope to be open as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding our concerns and efforts to protect as many people as possible.

Raymond Staats
Clermont Town Supervisor

Are you in need of Assistance?

FEMA: Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020.
Click HERE to learn more.

Columbia County Office for the Aging: Website – Columbia County Office for the Aging Facebook – Facebook Page

New York State web site: Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance web site: Programs and Services by New York State

New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance web site: OTDA Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Columbia County HEAP contacts:
Columbia County Department of Social Services
PO Box 458
25 Railroad Avenue
Hudson, NY 12534
Phone: (518) 828-9411
Days Open: Monday – Friday

New York State web site: Am I Eligible?

With the summer soon approaching, there is Cooling Assistance!
The Cooling Assistance program provides assistance for a free air conditioner to eligible older adults and people with certain medical conditions who are at higher risk of heat-related illness. Households that include an individual with a documented medical condition that is exacerbated by extreme heat are eligible. To qualify, you must have no working air conditioners, your air conditioner must be at least five years old or you must not have received a HEAP-funded air conditioner in ten years. In situations where an air conditioner cannot be safely installed, a fan will be provided. The air conditioner or fan is not to exceed $800.00 with installation. The program usually opens around the beginning of May, and closes around the end of August, or until funds are exhausted. Applications are usually accepted through the end of August. 

For information on both programs, please call the Columbia County Department of Social Services, at 518-828-9411, and speak to someone in the HEAP Department.

Resources for assistance provided by the Catholic Community of Northern Columbia County
CCNCC_Color Resources Sheets.pdf

Regional food bank of Northeastern New YorkEvents & Dates. Find your area and check the dates.

For more information regarding Columbia County Office for the Aging newsletter:

Senior Grocery Shopping (Volunteers)

Most towns have assembled a group of volunteers to assist seniors with grocery shopping and picking up prescriptions during the Coronavirus outbreak. The Columbia County Office for the Aging is compiling a list of these contacts, which will enable our staff to make referrals should a senior from a particular town need assistance with these tasks.  Please contact Councilmember Dawn Brownson at 518-537-6272 to volunteer.