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Planning Board – June 2023

June 14, 2023

The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 7:30pm at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Larry Saulpaugh, Mary Howard, Tom Jantzen, Ron Miller, Jennifer Phillips, Jesse Cutaia, and Nathan Hempel. Matthew Griesemer, Attorney for the Town was also in attendance.

After review of the May 10 2023 minutes, motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Tom Jantzen, to approve the minutes.
All in favor. So carried.

Kristy Koerner, Koerner Properties, 3690 Route 9G, Tax ID #179-1-38,
came before the Board seeking a Lot Line Adjustment, joining 2 parcels to become 1 parcel. The Applicant is awaiting Board of Health approval and needs a DOT permit for a driveway.

Pamela Haug, Moore Farm LLC, 301 Nevis Road, Tax Map ID #191.1-01-29, came before the Board seeking information on a Minor Subdivision of 38 acres , subdividing 20 acres from the original parcel. The Applicant will return with new maps.

Daric Schlessman, Van Burnt Stillhouse, 1931 Route 9,
TAX ID#181-1-12,
came before the Board with new maps for review for a warehouse, office space and tasting room. Discussion was held regarding parking, noise, live music, food trucks and hours of operation. Jennifer Phillips recused herself as she is a neighbor of the project. Motion was made by Ron Miller, seconded by Tom Jantzen, to accept the application as complete. All in favor. So carried. Motion was made by Jesse Cutaia, seconded by Mary Howard, to hold a Public Hearing at the July 12, 2023 meeting. All in favor. So carried.

With no further business, a motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Mary Howard, to adjourn. All in favor. So carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Desiree M. Webber, Secretary

Town Board – June 2023

Town of Clermont
Monthly Meeting
June 5, 2023

The Clermont Town Board held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, June 5th, 2023 at the Town Hall. All Town Board members present.

  1. Call Meeting to Order @7PM by Supervisor Staats with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Approval of prior Town Board Meeting Minutes- Motion Made by Councilman Desmond, Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So carried.
  3. Written Communications
    • Town Clerk Report
      • Total for General Fund $2178.54
      • Total for Trust and Agency $500.00
      • Total report for May 2023 $2724.54
    • Mail Review
      • Staples account closure Citibank program ending
      • NYS Grant opportunities
      • KISS program 6/5/23-6/23/23
      • Primary Election Tuesday, June 27th
      • Public Hearing Town of Germantown, Short term rental local law
      • County returning to garbage bags discontinuing bag tags by end of year
    • Web Committee-None
  1. Committee Reports and Updates
    • Councilman Desmond-
      • Loader is at the repair shop
      • Hogtrough Road Paving in progress/done-some culverts replaced
      • Turkey Hill Road repair permits completed (reported by Supervisor Staats)
    • Councilwoman Lusher Shute-
      • Park Clean up day was well attended, included some full families
      • Some of the poppies are coming up
      • Potty enclosure completed/Royal Flush will move Porta Potty into enclosure
      • Will ask about current landscapers helping with weeding
      • Playground committee meeting
      • Board Discussed recent park expenditure without prior approval/expenditures must be approved prior to purchase
      • Councilwoman Brownson working with Germantown Historian Tom Shannon on signage for park.
    • Councilman Gildersleeve
      • Website updates being done regularly
    • Councilwoman Brownson-
      • Questioned speed limit on Hill n dale not being posted
      • Discussed grant opportunities
  1. Old Business
    • Comprehensive Plan update-Mary Howard
      • Meeting held in May
      • Worked on finalizing draft Plan
      • Two meetings will held in June
      • Provided copies of literature Introduction to Conservation Easements in NY-
      • Draft Timeline
      • August-Workshop
      • October-Public Hearing
      • November/December-Submission to Town Board for review
      • January-Public Hearing
    • RFP’s published in paper, posted on website and building-Applicants to contact Supervisor Staats
    • Route 9 School bus stop update
      • County Board of supervisors, County Highway and County Engineer aware. Asked for consideration of reduced speed on Rt 9 Clermont/Livingston town line. Livingston in agreement. County engineer will forward to Traffic Safety Board and keep Supervisor Staats informed. Columbia County does not currently participate in school bus camera enforcement but it is in consideration and investigation.
  2. Supervisors Report-
    • 2nd qrtr sales tax revenue in $146, 453.00
    • Mortgage tax in $32,000
    • Thank you to Park volunteers for continuous efforts in the park
    • Solid Waste Greenport-ongoing work on site
    • Solid Waste bag prices may increase to cover costs-ongoing discussions within county.
    • Plaque for Clayton Andrus from NY Planning Federation. Supervisor Staats will delivery to Mrs. Andrus.
    • NYS is keeping federal funding for Medicaid
  • Executive Session 8:05 PM Motion made by Councilman Desmond Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So Carried.
  • 8:35PM Motion to leave executive session Motion by Councilman Gildersleeve Seconded by Councilwoman Lusher Shute. All in Favor. So Carried.

Public Communication/Comments to the Board

Discussion-Hamlet Zoning Size and Comp Plan

  1. Motion To Pay Abstracts
    • Motion to pay General abstract #6 Vouchers #144-173 $10092.01 By Councilwoman Brownson Seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in Favor. So carried.
    • Motion to pay Highway abstract #6 Vouchers #63-76 $14580.51 By Councilman Desmond Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So carried.
    • Motion to pay General Prepaid abstract #6a Voucher #141-143 $206.45 By Councilman Gildersleeve Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So carried.

Motion to adjourn at ~ 8:37 PM by Councilman Gildersleeve Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Tracey J Gallant
Town Clerk

Zoning Board of Appeals – May 2023

Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals
1795 Route 9
Germantown, New York 12526

May 24, 2023

The Clermont ZBA held its regular meeting on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 7:30pm at the Town Hall. The meeting started with a salute to the flag. Members attending were Hank Himelright, Luke Kumburis, Don Van Wagner, Lee Gallant, and Ben Peacock.

Hank Himelright asked if anyone had any additions, corrections or omissions to the minutes of the last meeting, April 26, 2023. A motion was made by Lee Gallant, seconded by Don Van Wagner, to approve the April 2023 minutes. All in favor. So carried.

Daric Schlessman, Van Burnt Stillhouse, 1931 Route 9,
TAX ID#181-1-12,
came before the Board seeking a Use Variance and a Special Use Permit. The primary use would be a distillery. The Special Use Permit would be for a venue of a Tasting Room. The Use Variance would be for a secondary use, currently being used as a warehouse. Motion was made by Luke Kumburis, seconded by Don Van Wagner, to accept the Use Variance Application as complete. All in favor. So carried.
Motion was made by by Don Van Wagner, seconded by Luke Kumburis, to accept the Special Use Permit Application as complete. All in favor. So carried. A site visit date and time will be determined. Motion was made by Don Van Wagner, seconded by Luke Kumburis, to schedule a public hearing for the next ZBA meeting. All in favor. So carried.

Discussion was held by the ZBA members regarding modifications for the Special Use Permit for Southward Event Venue, which were approved by the Planning Board, without contact or approval from the ZBA. A letter will be sent to the Town Board regarding this approval, which was not within the procedures established by the Town of Clermont.

With no other business, motion was made by Luke Kumburis, seconded by Ben Peacock, to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Desiree M. Webber, Secretary

Planning Board – May 2023


May 10, 2023

The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 7:30pm at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Larry Saulpaugh, Mary Howard, Tom Jantzen, Ron Miller, Jennifer Phillips, Jesse Cutaia, and Nathan Hempel. Matthew Griesemer, Attorney for the Town was also in attendance.

After review of the April 12, 2023 minutes, motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Jesse Cutaia, to approve the minutes.
All in favor. So carried.

Michael Knutson, from Scenic Hudson, came before the Board in regards to the Thomas Cunningham, Clermont Hudson Horse Farm, 3689 Route 9G, Tax ID #179.-1-36, who is seeking a lot line adjustment. Thomas Cunningham was not present. Michael Knutson discussed what can be done to accommodate the request for the lot line adjustment. Scenic Hudson plans to visit the property and meet with the property owner and his surveyor.

Southwood Property LLC, 726 Woods Road, Tax ID #179.000-1-33, The scheduled event dates for Southwood’s 2023 season were submitted. They are as follows:

June 3
July 22
August 5
August 19
August 26
Sept 16
Sept 30
Oct 7
Sept 9 – neighbors to the south are having a wedding for their daughter, not Southwood

With no further business, a motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Mary Howard, to adjourn. All in favor. So carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Desiree M. Webber,

Town Board – May 2023

Town of Clermont
Monthly Meeting
May 1, 2023

The Clermont Town Board held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 1st, 2023 at the Town Hall. All Town Board members present.

  1. Call Meeting to Order @7PM by Supervisor Staats with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Approval of prior Town Board Meeting Minutes- Motion Made by Councilman Desmond, Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So carried.
  3. Written Communications
    • Town Clerk Report
      • Total for General Fund $51895.27
      • Total for Trust and Agency $500.00
      • Total report for April 2023 $52400.27
    • American Legion Post346 Hometown Heroes Banners-Applications at Town Hall and posted on Website.
    • Web Committee-None
  1. Committee Reports and Updates
    • Councilman Desmond-Loader repairs
    • Councilwoman Lusher Shute-
      • Playground update-Contacting Contractors /Playground committee now has a Chair. Looking at Grants currently at research stage. No budget has been set yet. Next Playground committee meeting date will be sent for addition to the website. Playground committee is part of the park committee.
      • Projector has been purchased
    • Councilwoman Brownson-
      • Grant for Bank of Greene County-$1000.00
  2. Old Business
    • Park Update presented by Ellen. Wording for signage for Kiosks. All rules etc. are unchanged. Motion made by Councilman Desmond. Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve to repair and/or replace signage for rules/regulations. All in Favor. So Carried. Questions regarding content and location of content for the Kiosk signage. Board would like to review. Town Board will review content wording and send comments/suggestions. Motion made to approve up to $1500 “pending approval of final content” by Councilwoman Brownson, Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So Carried.

      Park Maintenance has started
      Park Maintenance has started
      Are funds and labor available for cleanup of Junk pile in park between baseball and soccer field. Potential safety issue. Supervisor Staats will speak to Highway Superintendent.
      Spring Clean up will be 6/4 @ 10AM
    • Park Maintenance has started
      Are funds and labor available for cleanup of Junk pile in park between baseball and soccer field. Potential safety issue. Supervisor Staats will speak to Highway Superintendent.
      Spring Clean up will be 6/4 @ 10AM
      Enclosure currently being constructed 2 panels remain.
    • Spring Clean up will be 6/4 @ 10AM
    • Comprehensive Plan update-Mary Howard
      Meeting held in April-No consultant was available
      Worked on outstanding issues
      Next meeting Monday May 8th.
      Currently working towards Fall completion.
    • Executive Session 7:33 PM Motion made by Councilman Desmond Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So Carried.
    • 7:40PM Motion to leave executive session Motion by Councilman Gildersleeve Seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in Favor. So Carried.
  1. New Business
    • Stipulation of Settlement-Motion to approve by Councilman Gildersleeve, Seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in Favor. So Carried.
  1. Supervisors Report-
    • Thank you to New York Planning Federation and Mary Howard for the submission. Award ceremony in Saratoga Springs. Award presented in honor of Clayton Andrus for his years of service to the community.
    • Thank you to Bank of Greene County for their continued support of the park
    • Sales Tax 2nd Qtr.-Continues at High rate but leveling off $146453.55
    • Thank you to the Park Committee volunteers and the Comprehensive Plan committee volunteers for all that they do for the Town.
  2. Motion To Pay Abstracts
    • Motion to pay Highway abstract #5 Vouchers #53-62 $14580.51 By Councilwoman Brownson Seconded by Councilwoman Lusher Shute. All in Favor. So carried.
    • Motion to pay Trust and Agency abstract #3 Voucher #3 $165.00 By Councilwoman Lusher Shute Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So carried.
    • Motion to pay General Prepaid abstract #5a Voucher #111-114 $624.07 By Councilman Gildersleeve Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So carried.
    • Motion to pay General abstract #5 Vouchers #115-140 $8329.53 By Councilman Desmond Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So carried.

Public Communication/Comments to Board-

Desiree Weber presented to the Board information regarding incidents with school buses on Route 9 at Town of Livingston/Clermont Town line where vehicles have not stopped for the flashing lights. This location has become a real safety issue. Currently there are signs indicating School bus stop ahead. This is a safety concern and Supervisor Staats will ask the county to investigate alternative solutions.

Motion to adjourn at ~ 8:02 PM by Councilman Desmond Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in Favor. So carried.

Respectfully submitted.
Tracey J Gallant
Town Clerk