2023-08-14 Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Law Update Committee
Town Hall
August 14, 2023
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84300035514?pwd=bDZETHd6dVB2dlFocG1vdUZJcFpSUT09
Agenda Items
1. Review/Approve Meeting #12 & 13 Summary Notes (to be provided)
2. Finalize Revised Draft Comprehensive Plan Goals and Recommendations:
a. Sustainability, Resilience, and Natural Resource Protection
b. Recreation
c. Transportation
d. Town Services& Infrastructure
e. Economic Development & Tourism
f. Agricultural Resources (Revised)
g. Land Use, Growth and Development (Revised)
3. Open House format and logistics.
Next Steps:
1. Finalize edits by Thursday, August 17.
2. Open House: August 19 from 12-5 at Firehouse #2