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Fire Commissioners – August 2018


AUGUST 20, 2018

The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, August 20, 2018 at 7:00 P.M.  Those present were Commissioner Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh and Commissioner Raymond Bauer.  Commissioner Miller was absent.  Others present were Chief Lloyd Kukon, First Assistant Collin Brown, Captain Les Coons, Treasurer Denise Fiore and Robert Desmond.

Commissioner S. Rifenburgh opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.

MINUTES: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh noted the following corrections to the July minutes:

            Page 27 – Fire Equipment should say ‘all trucks have been serviced except truck 6031 which has not had filters changed’.

            Page 28 – Dryer should say ‘the cost is $200.00 per piece’.

A motion was made by Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to accept the minutes with corrections.  All in favor. So carried.


Total amount of July 2018 invoices paid                                           $  4,139.58

Proposed August invoices                                                                   $  1,532.05

Paid August invoices                                                                          $  2,196.49

                                                Total:                                                   $  3,728.54


The Bank of Greene County Balances to Date                                 

Money Markey Checking Balance                                                     $126,610.52

Checking Balance                                                                               $  4,506.62

Less Outstanding Checks                                                                   $     630.94

Checking Balance to Date                                                                  $  3,875.68

Money Market & Checking Account Total                                        $130,486.20

Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Equipment                                          $29,718.48

Capital Reserve Fund for Construction & Improvements                  $33,655.38

A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.  All in favor.  So carried.


  • A check received from the Clermont Historic Site for traffic detail during July 4th fireworks was made out to the District but should go to the Company.  The Treasurer will issue a check to the Company for $400.00.
  • Fire District Affairs for August – September
  • Invitation from Swab Wagon Co. to Berrysburg, PA. on October 6, 2018 for picnic.
  • RBC Wealth Management Account Statement for July – $400,002.47
  • 2018 Leadership & Vendor Expo by the Accociation of Fire Districts in Saratoga Springs, October 11-13.
  • Physical for Peter Cichetti received.
  • Firefighter Cancer Study-Northwell Health

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh

  • Commissioner Bauer’s brother will be mowing the lawn this week at Station #1.
  • Commissioner Bauer reported that James Potts is working on the Station #1 drainage.

INSURANCE: Commissioners R. Rifenburgh and Commissioner Miller

The Chairwoman and Secretary will be reviewing the records of those members that may be eligible for the cancer insurance. There is some clarification of the law that must be made in order to verify the eligibility. 

FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh

  • The trucks looked really good for the Convention parade. The Captain and others did a lot of work on them.
  • Commissioner Saulpaugh asked when truck 6013 would get the blisters taken care of?

LOSAP:  All Commissioners

The district funds are being invested in more domestic stocks by RBC Wealth Management.

LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners

  • Travel policy was handed out and will be reviewed for September’s meeting.

LEGAL: All Commissioners

No report


  • Commissioner Bauer will get in touch with Bob McCarthy on the removal of light fixtures and installation of LED lights.
  • The TV has not been mounted at Station #1.  A motion was made by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh to purchase the hardware to mount it at a cost not to exceed $100.00, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.  All in favor.  So carried.
  • The dryer for the gear will be delivered.
  • The district will hire someone to clean the bays at Station #2, as it is in the lease contract that the District is responsible.


  • Tyler Case has gotten his new gear with the exception of boots.  It is unclear if he will be returning to active duty.  If he doesn’t return after the lst of the year and complete the OSHA then we have done what we can do.
  • Milan Fire Department will be coming to the budget meeting at our regular meeting on September 17th


There were three calls for July:

  1. 7/9/18 Alarm Activation – Inflight – 694 Church Avenue
  2. 7/11/18 Mutual aid//Germantown – Structure fire, 4781 Route 9G
  3. 7/22/218 Standby for Tivoli in quarters

Monthly Drills:

6/23/318 – Saulpaugh’s Cold Storage walk through.  Measure distance of water source, etc.

                        14 firefighters attended

Special Details:

7/4/18 – Clermont State Park – park cars for fireworks

7/19/18 – Work detail on truck #6013- 5 firefighters

7/21/18 – Vet to Vet Extrication Demo and display of trucks #6013 & 6010 – 4 firefighters

7/28/18 – Convention parade in Germantown – 14 firefighters

The Chief asked to take Truck #6034 to the Chatham Fair.  The Commissioners don’t have any problem with it.

Captain Les Coon talked to John Faso about getting gear through a grant. Captain Coon said that when you put in a grant you have to specify for specific gear. 

There is a grant writer who would charge $500.00 to write it and $1000.00 to close out the grant if it is received.  The $500.00 would be returned if we get the grant. 

Commissioner R. Rifenburgh made a motion to have the grant writer start the process, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried.

Commissioner R. Rifenburgh would like to know why the AED’s have not been checked since May 31st.  Captain Coon said that the technician who came said that the AED’s do not have to be checked every week. This will be added to the truck check and should probably be done at least monthly.

There was an officer’s meeting and the Captain wanted something done by a Lt. in the drill and it was refused.  This person also refused to drive the van.  This person was also asked if they still wanted to be in the position and it was sometimes yes, sometimes no. Commissioner R. Rifenburgh would like the truck checklist submitted every month to the Commissioners. He also thinks if the job isn’t getting done it is up to the Chief to get help for the Captain so that the work gets done. 


A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh to pay the bills.

The fuel report for 7/22/18 showed 25.5 gallons used.  

A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer at 8:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon

Fire District Secretary