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Fire Commissioners – June 2018

                                                                CLERMONT FIRE COMMISSIONERS

                                                                        JUNE 18, 2018

The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, June 18, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh, Commissioner Raymond Bauer and Commissioner Ronald Miller. Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh was absent.

Also present were Treasurer Denise Fiore and Robert Desmond.

Chairwoman Rifenburgh opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.

MINUTES: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the May 21st meeting by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor.  So carried.


            Total invoices paid in May                                                     $8,883.95 *

*See revised May abstract

Proposed June 2018 invoices                                                  $ 39,277.51

            Paid June 2018 invoices                                                          $      123.49

                        Total                                                                            $  39,401.00

Reconciliation of Accounts:

The Bank of Greene County balances to date

            Money Market Checking Balance                                          $171,555.53

            Checking Balance                                                                   $    3,223.60

            Less Outstanding Checks                                                       $    2,488.82

            Money Market and Checking account total                           $185,880.48

Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Equipment                                          $  29,714.74

Capital Reserve Fund for Construction & Improvement                   $  33,651.14


Physicals were received for the following members:

            Daniel Farr, Ryan Brown, Natasha Moyer, Cody Rockefeller

RBC Wealth Management Account statement for May – $366,049.99

Fire District Affairs for June – July

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh

Commissioner Bauer has been trying to get an estimate for the roof at Station #1. He got one verbal quote of $4000.00 to spray paint it. He will try to get other quotes.  He also spoke to the highway superintendent about blacktopping the area in front of Station #1. He may be able to get Colarusso’s to do something.  There is no hale damage to the roof from the May 15th storm.

INSURANCE: Commissioners R. Rifenburgh and Miller

No report.

FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh

  • Truck #6034 – Commissioner Bauer spoke with Pat Meehan who came out to check the tank.  He will do the repair when he has the spare time at no charge.
  • Commissioner R. Rifenburgh has received the specs for the new truck and is sending them out to members for review.

LOSAP: All Commissioners

No Report

LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners

No Report

LEGAL: All Commissioners

No Report


  • The Chairwoman did get the new television for Station #1.
  • The Chief is looking for a printer, scanner, fax and copier for Station #1.  Commissioner R. Rifenburgh would rather invest in a good printer and not have to buy expensive cartridges.  Commissioner Miller will look into printers and advise the Commissioners.
  • Tyler Case did complete the OSHA classes. 
  • Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked Captain Les Coon if all the trucks have been serviced.  Captain Coon said to his knowledge only truck #6102 has been serviced.  Commissioner R. Rifenburgh also has concerns about a number of things that have not been getting done.  Chairwoman Rifenburgh suggested a chart to show what needs to be done and when it is done.  It was also suggested that a meeting take place between the Chief and Commissioners to discuss what has to be done.
  • Discussed the Hang & Dry System for gear.  It is questionable whether the system, which is not expensive, is the best.




There were nine calls for May, as follows:

5/3/18 – Brush fire – 3 Cedar Hill Road

5/4/18 – Mutual Aid, Tivoli, possible apartment fire, 14 Woods Road

5/4/18 – CO detector activation – 149 Commons Road

5/5/18 – Alarm activation – Woods Road

5/6/18 – Mutual aid, Red Hook, structure fire, 36 Spencer Drive

5/10/18 – AAPI – Mutual aid, Livingston – 2871 Route 9

5/13/18 – AAPI – 1830 Route 9

5/15/18 – Wire/Pole Fire – Route 9/County Route 8

5/19/18 – AAPI – Route 9G and Firehouse Road

Drills/Work Details

5/14/18 – Funeral Detail – City of Hudson

5/28/18 – Parade Detail – Town of Germantown

5/29/18 – Drill Station #2 – NYS Fire Foam Trailer/Foam Application

A motion was made to pay the bills by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.  All in favor.  So carried.

FUEL USAGE: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh reported that 7.9 gallons were used.

He also reported that the propane was filled at Station #1, 55 gal. at $2.459


  • VETERANS TO VETERANS: Captain Coon would like to hold a drill on July 21st at Fully Loaded on Route 9G in Clermont on extrication with Trucks 60-10 and 60-13.
  • Bob Desmond asked if other departments have the dryers and how much they are.  Livingston and Germantown do, would have to find out how much they are.  

A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Miller at 8:05 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon

Fire District Secretary