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Fire Commissioners – October 2018

                                                            CLERMONT FIRE COMMISSIONERS

                                                                        OCTOBER 16, 2018

The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting and public hearing on the 2019 Budget on October 16, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh, Commissioner Ronald Miller, Commissioner Raymond Bauer and Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh.  Also present were Chief Lloyd Kukon, Treasurer Denise Fiore and Robert Desmond.

Chairwoman opened the public hearing with the salute to the flag.

The public hearing was opened for the 2019 Budget.  The total proposed appropriations is $174,377.00, estimated unexpended balance from 2018 is $10,000, and the amount to be raised by taxes is $164,377.00.  There were no comments from any Commissioner or anyone present.  A motion was made to accept the budget as submitted by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.  All in favor.  So carried.  The hearing was closed.

The regular meeting was opened.

MINUTES: A correction to the minutes on page 39 to change Councilman to Commissioner was noted by Commissioner Bauer. A motion was made to approve the minutes with correction by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.  All in favor.  So carried.

October 16, 2018 Fire Commissioners’ Treasurer’s Report              

RE:  September 2018

Total Amount of September 2018 Invoices Paid                 $10,493.57*

Added:  $900 (Grantgenies), $2000 (CFCo) left off abstract, $2.73 (Les Coons)

Deducted:  $97.63 (National Grid) previously paid

*Revised September 2018 Abstract attached

RE:  October 2018

Proposed October 2018 Invoices            $  1,825.69

Paid October 2018 Invoices                                                   $26,375.44      

                                    Total                                                      $28,201.13

Reconciliation of Accounts

The Bank of Greene County Balances to Date  

Money Market Checking Balance                                        $ 112,661.75*

*Includes interest paid on 9/30/18 in the amount of $24.53

Checking Balance                                                                         5,251.06

Plus Deposit (10/1/18)                                                                   25,000.00  

Less Outstanding Checks                                                           27,317.58

Checking Balance to Date                                                            2,933.48

Money Market & Checking A/C Total                                   $ 115,595.23

Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Equipment                           $   29,709.86 (as of 12/31/17)

            Interest 12/31/17 – 1/31/18                                    $             1.26

            Interest 1/31/18 – 2/28/18                                                    1.14                             

            Interest 2/28/18 – 3/31/18                                                        1.26

            Interest 3/31/18 – 4/30/18                                                    1.22     

            Interest 4/30/18 – 5/31/18                                                    1.26

            Interest 5/31/18 – 6/30/18                                                    1.22

            Interest 6/30/18 – 7/31/18                                                    1.26

            Interest 7/31/18 – 8/31/18                                                    1.26

            Interest 8/31/18 – 9/30/18                                                    1.22                             

                                                                        Total               $   29,720.96

Capital Reserve Fund for Constr. & Improvement         $    33,645.61 (as of 12/31/17)                                                                             

            Interest 12/31/17 – 1/31/18                                                   1.43

            Interest 1/31/18 – 2/28/18                                                     1.29

            Interest 2/28/18 – 3/31/18                                                     1.43

            Interest 3/31/18 – 4/30/18                                                          1.38

            Interest 4/30 /18 – 5/31/18                                                      1.43

            Interest 5/31/18 – 6/30/18                                                      1.38

            Interest 6/30/18 – 7/31/18                                                        1.43

            Interest 7/31/18 – 8/31/18                                                      1.43        

            Interest 8/31/18 – 9/30/18                                                      1.38

                                                             Total                              $   33,658.19

A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Miller.  All in favor.  So carried.


  • Fire District Affairs for October – November
  • RBC Wealth Management for September – $397,657.80
  • Penflex – Service Fee Agreement for 2018=2019 for Defined Benefit Plan and Defined Contribution Plan to be signed and returned.  Opting out of audit package.
  • Invoice for Joshua Williams physical.  Did not receive the physical, Chairwoman Rifenburgh will contact the Albany Med.
  • Certificate of Liability for Darryl Millus for roof work.
  • Information from vendors on Cancer Care Policies.
  • Chairwoman Rifenburgh reported that Columbia Memorial Hospital will be doing the physicals and not charging for them starting in 2019.  Chairwoman Rifenburgh will be putting together a package with the application for new members.
  • Milan Volunteer Fire Department will try to attend next month with information requested. They did thank the Commissioners for the increase for 2019.

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Bauer and Commissioner Saulpaugh

  • Commissioner Bauer reported that Darryl Millus painted the roof at Station #1, the light was installed and the parking lot apron was paved by Clermont and Livingston Highway departments.  The pressure washer was also installed at Station #2.

INSURANCE: Commissioners R. Rifenburgh and Commissioner Miller

No report.

FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioners Bauer and Commissioner Saulpaugh

No Report.

LOSAP: All Commissioners

No report.

Laws and policies: All Commissioners

No report.


  • Cleaning Bays at Station #2:  No set amount for a cleaner was set in the budget but the budget line for buildings was increased.
  • GRANT: Captain Coon is working with the grant writer.   In the future, we should check with Linda McLean who has written grants for us in the past and not charged.  We are being charged a retainer fee of $900.00 and the balance when the grant is submitted. The request will be for 20 sets of gear at $75,753.00.  The districts share of 5% would be $3,787.65. The grant writer would also like to add the tanker to the grant.  The estimated cost would be up to $400,000.00 for the truck.  
  • The secretary and Chairwoman did get the names of those that are eligible for the Cancer Benefit Plan and there are only two at this time.  One other firefighter may have FIT paperwork from another company, which he would have to get. 


  • We will be getting new file cabinets from the town to replace the file which fell over.
  • TRUCK RESERVE: We are budgeting $30,000 every year for a new truck.  Anything left in that budget line does transfer at the beginning of the year. Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked what the unexpended balance is at this time.  Treasurer Fiore has $12,862.00 for the balance. Commissioner Rifenburgh suggested taking this from 2017 and move to construction account for the paving of Station #1 entrance.  A motion was made by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Miller.  All in favor.  So carried.


There were 12 calls in September:

  1. 9/6/18 – Mutual Aid Livingston Route 9/Blue Stores
  2. 9/6/18 – Tree in Roadway – Cedar Hill Road
  3. 9/6/18 – Tree in Roadway – Route 6 and Hogtrough Road
  4. 9/10/18 – Alarm Activation – 694 Church Avenue
  5. 9/11/18 – Tree on wires – 129 Nevis Road
  6. 9/12/18 – Alarm Activation – 104 Mill Road
  7. 9/13/18 – Alarm Activation – 104 Mill Road
  8. 9/14/18 – Mutual Aid Tivoli – relocate to Tivoli
  9. 9/15/18 – Mutual aid Germantown – Set up landing zone
  10. 9/15/18 – Mutual aid Germantown – Standby in Germantown
  11. 9/24/18 – CO detector activation – 134 Nevis Road
  12. 9/30/18 – Alarm activation – 694 Church Avenue

Monthly Drill/Work Details

9/5/18 – Steak Bake – 7 firefighters

9/7/18 – Steak Bake – 9 firefighters

9/8/18 – Steak Bake – 13 firefighters

9/23/18 –  Drill/Training – Germantown – 4 firefighters attended

9/24/18 – Bard College Tour/training/Mutual aid information

9/24/18 – Extrication Drill – 14 firefighters

9/30/18 – Mutual aid drill – Carmelite Sisters – 4 firefighters

The Chief reported on the following topics:

  • Fire alarm law and distribution sheets are available and need to be distributed as required on the forms.
  • Cleaned the truck with the new pressure washer which worked well.
  • Carmelite Sisters – will develop a plan for the building.
  • Bard College – 168 buildings and most of the dormitories fall into Tivoli’s Fire District so Clermont needs to be familiar with that for mutual aid.
  • The members also went to the Davidson estate on Woods Road.  Other river estates should be reviewed.
  • Battalion Meeting was held.
  • SCBA testing will be done on  11/14 at 10:30 AM. MES will be doing tests on air quality for $150.00. It was last serviced in March and filled 10 bottles.  It will be serviced in May or June of next year. 
  • The company was called mutual aid on Sunday, October 15 to Ancram for a large barn fire.

Other discussion and corrective action which needs to be addressed by the Chief and Officers:

6010 – Mini – Thermal imaging camera had dead batteries two months in a row. 

6012 – International – The truck was not checked for three months.  The Lt’s were supposed to check these trucks but they don’t seem to be doing their job.

The Banquet is on Saturday, November 3 at 6 PM at Churchtown Fire House. The Commissioners, Treasurer and Secretary are invited to attend.

Fuel Report:

August – 55.1 gallons used,  32 ½ inches

September – 56.2 gallons used,  28 ¾  inches

Additional payment to October proposed invoices of $180.00 for physical to Albany Medical.  Motion made by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Miller.  All in favor.  So carried.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Bob asked who is doing the physicals.  Currently it is Albany Med.  CMH feels that the first responders do a lot for the county and want to do this for them for free. He also asked what the cost of the paving.  If done by an outside source would be about $25,000 or $28,000.00.

The changes which are made to the Truck specs are:

DECK GUN: Truck height cannot exceed 10’4 inches when loaded ( 124 inches ).

ROOF LADDER: Changed to a 16 foot ladder.   

COMPARTMENTS: Eliminated one compartments for suction hose.  The Commissioners agreed to three ten foot lengths of suction hose which eliminates a compartment.

INSPECTION TRIP: This was put in as an option rather than in specifications. There is an app where you can go and see everything that is being done to the truck. 

This will be the final specifications that will go out to bid. 

A motion was made that once approved by the attorney that the secretary can proceed with the process of advertising the bid for the truck by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.  All in favor.  So carried.

A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer at 9:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon

Fire District Secretary