Fire Commissioners – March 2019
MARCH 18, 2019
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, March 18, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Ronald Miller, Commissioner Raymond Bauer and Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh. Others present were Chief Lloyd Kukon,Treasurer Denise Fiore, Captain Les Coon, Assistant Chief Collin Brown and resident and Milan Firefighter Al Sardaro
Chairwoman Rifenburgh opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.
MINUTES: After review, a motion was made by Commissioner Miller to accept the minutes of the February meeting, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
March 18, 2019 Fire Commissioners’ Treasurer’s Report
RE: February 2019
Total Amount of February 2019 Invoices Paid $ 15,149.83
RE: March 2019
Proposed March 2019 Invoices $ 5,159.10
Paid March 2019 Invoices 2,622.81
Total $ 7,781.91
Reconciliation of Accounts
The Bank of Greene County Balances to Date
Money Market Checking Balance $ 217,102.11*
*Includes interest paid on 2/28/19 in the amount of $33.85
Checking Balance 5,550.78
Less Outstanding Checks 2,728.05
Checking Balance to Date 2,822.73
Money Market & Checking A/C Total $ 219,924.84
Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Equipment $ 29,728.61 (as of 12/31/18)
Interest 12/31/18 – 1/31/19 $ 3.78
Interest 1/31/19 – 2/28/19 3.42
Total $ 29,735.81
Capital Reserve Fund for Constr. &Improvement: $ 33,666.86 (as of 12/31/18)
Interest 12/31/18 – 1/31/19 $ 4.29
Interest 1/31/19 – 2/28/19 3.87
Total $ 33,675.02
Denise Fiore, Treasurer
March 18, 2019
A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Miller to accept the Treasurer’s report. All in favor. So carried.
- Received a card from Anthony Hill, formerly of Penflex, that he is now with Firefly Admin, Inc. Service Awards Programs.
- Received Commissioner S. Rifenburgh’s Commissioner’s Training Certificate
- RBC Wealth Management account statement for February $382,084.50.
- CMH sent new forms for Cancer History and Disability History which they suggest be added to the physical package handed to new applicants.
- Doyle Security is now joining with Commercial Instruments and Alarm systems.
- Physicals were received for James Potts, Sr. and Ronald Rifenburgh. Upon reviewing these forms used for private doctors it was decided to change the requirements for Category C – Exterior Support and Category D – Administrative/Fire Police. Commissioner S. Rifenburgh will work on this.
- Commissioner Bauer reported on the paving of Station #1. The quote that we have from Colarusso’s is to pave station #1 with 3 inches of binder on top of existing asphalt and top with 1.5 inches of 9.5 mm top for $15860.00, materials to be hauled by ACS. May request fire department for traffic control while work is being done. Also, would need approval to have Steve Werner of B&K Electric to move the electric so it is not under the blacktop. The funds for blacktop are in the budget. A motion was made by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh to approve work being done by Colarusso’s and B&K Electric, seconded by Commissioner Miller. All in favor. So carried.
- Commissioner Bauer also said that Richard Bauer will still be doing the mowing at Station #1.
INSURANCE: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh and Miller
- Commissioner Miller will contact insurance company with questions from last months meeting.
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer
- The new microphones have come in.
- The light tower is being repaired for a missing pin.
LOSAP: All Commissioners
- The Length of Service Awards reports for 2018 have been completed and needs signatures. The report has also been posted at Station #2. There are several who have not made any fire calls and Commissioner R. Rifenburgh wants to know if they have any gear or pagers. The Chief will be getting those items back from Tyler Case and Pete Cichetti.
- Commissioner R. Rifenburgh said there should be 12 drills per year for LOSAP and they should be done in our district.
- The three new members this year will be in the new LOSAP program which took effect January 1, 2019. They are Evan Tompkins, Thomas O’Connell and Christopher Farewell.
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
No report
LEGAL: All Commissioners
After the resignation of Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh, it is necessary to nominate a new vice Chairman. A motion was made by Commissioner S. Rifenburgh to nominate Commissioner Ronald Miller as new Vice Chairman, seconded by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh. All in favor. So carried.
- AUDIT: The Treasurer, Denise Fiore, reported that the State comptroller has asked for a fixed assets report in the audit report, and that the accountant will work on that.
- TRUCK BOND: The Treasurer has talked to the Bank of Greene County regarding the bond for the new truck. On a seven year term bond, the interest rates are 3.25% and 2.89%.
- The open Lieutenants position was not brought up at the last fire company meeting and they have said that it will be brought up at the April meeting.
- Chairwoman Rifenburgh said that the Association of Fire Districts is holding a sexual harassment training in Albany on May 4th and she would like to attend. The cost is $125.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Bauer for Chairwoman Rifenburgh to attend and pick up a check from the treasurer before the next meeting. All in favor. So carried.
- Chairwoman Rifenburgh told the Commissioners that at the training it was suggested that we have a Deputy Treasurer and Deputy Secretary.
- It was also learned that when the fire company is going to hold fund raising/benefits they are supposed to ask the District.
- Also, the Chief cannot be the maintainer of the firehouse. ie: the cleaner of the building.
There were five calls for February:
- 2/11/19 – AAPI – County Route 8 and Hill n Dale Road
- 2/15/19 – Alarm Activation – 694 Church Ave.
- 2/21/19 – Alarm Activation – 726 Woods Road
- 2/21/19 – Alarm Activation – 600 Woods Road
- 2/22/19 – Alarm Activation – 726 Woods Road
2/25/19 – Drill SCBA review packs, Non SCBA members reviewed trucks/operations and location of tools – 10 firefighters present (+ Les Coon at FAST)
2/16/19 – SCBA initial training for Evan Tompkins, refresher for Thomas O’Connell – administered by Les Coon.
The FIT Test been not been scheduled because they don’t have someone who is certified to do the test. Livingston will have a certified technician so maybe we can do it with them. The Chief will check into it.
Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked Captain Coon if he knows what happened to the fire extinquisher from one of the trucks. It has been replaced on the truck.
MOTION: A motion was made to pay the bills by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.
There was discussion about having maps of the Clermont Fire District and Bob Desmond said the map of the town in Town Hall could be used but it does include the parcels which are in the Livingston Fire District.
Assistant Chief Collin Brown said that at the Officers meeting they discussed the possibility of building an office at station #1 where files can be kept and locked up. At the present there is no safe place to leave them. May be able to get donated materials. They can come back with a more concrete plan next month.
Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked if there was anything new on the missing radio and three microphones. A claim should be filed with the insurance company after getting a quote on the items.
Al Sardaro told the Commissioners that they use Bud Carey as a certified technician for the FIT tests. He also expressed interest in the open Commissioners position. He has been a member of the Milan Fire Department for thirty-two years, a past Chief and has lived in Clermont on Shields Road for 22 years. The board thanked him for his interest and will let him know.
Fuel Report: 36.5 gallons
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:25 by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Miller. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Secretary, Clermont Fire District