Town Board Meeting – Year-end 2021
The Clermont Town Board held the Year-End meeting on Tuesday, December 28, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Dawn Brownson, Councilwoman Lindsey Lusher Shute and Councilman Kris Gildersleeve.
Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with the salute to the flag
Presentation for 2022 Insurance by Peter and Nina from Fingar Insurance. The new policy period to be covered is 12/31/21 to 12/30/22. The liability coverages were reviewed for property, vehicles, injury, equipment and bonds Discussion followed regarding specifics needs. Opted for the policy not including cyber protection or law enforcement. Total Cost $15,582.20 will be authorized for payment at January Meeting.
The minutes of the December General meeting were previously distributed to the board Motion to accept by Councilwoman Brownson, Seconded by Councilwoman Lusher Shute. All in favor. So Carried.
- None
- None
- Councilman Desmond-Sander needed for pickup. Quotes reviewed as provided by highway superintendent. Motion to approve at a cost of $2600.00 from Toads, LLC. made by Councilman Desmond, Seconded by Councilwoman Lusher Shute. All in favor. So Carried.
- The Highway department continues to work with other local highway departments. Livingston assisted with mowing some of our road. Councilman Desmond reported additional highway equipment being repaired.
- Supervisor Staats reported that he will be meeting with the new Germantown Supervisor and Highway superintendent to discuss the inter municipality agreement and has every reason to believe that we will continue to work with our neighboring towns as in the past. Update after the first of the year.
- Councilman Lusher Shute no update regarding Kiosks
- Councilwoman Lusher Shute and Councilman Gildersleeve reported on the progress for Video recording of meetings by Town Hall Streams. January 10th is first availability for installation. Cost is $285.00 per month. Month to Month contract. Motion made to accept by Councilwoman Lusher Shute, Seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So Carried.
- Councilman Gildersleeve reports he has sent out the antivirus on some town equipment and emailed the remainder out.
- Councilwoman Brownson reports that she has received notification that our grants were not approved for Iroquois Pipeline Community (Kiosks) or the CFA from the Office of Parks and Recreation Historic Preservation (Pavilion). She does report she has 2 additional applications to work on. 1) Columbia Land Conservancy due at end of February for a $500 dollar Grant. 2) Bank of Greene County due January 15th for possible Seed and Poppies. She will reach out to representative from Ray Michael to look at the tiles on the playground.
- Park committee to reach out for additional volunteers for committee and possible recruit for Comprehensive Plan team.
- Jen Phillips will be stepping down from Park committee as she wants to pursue and be part of the Comprehensive Plan team.
ADDITION TO CLERK REPORT: Regarding the passing of Marion Gurnee and the use of St. Luke’s Church and use of the Community House. Family has asked that donations in memory of her be made to the Community house.
- John Fieser appointed interim CEO for as long as we need him. He has cleaned up some of the backlog. He is not interested in receiving certification and continuing in the position. Possible date for interviews for permanent appointment to be set for Early February. To be discussed at organization meeting in January. Will need a Job Description.
Supervisor Staats introduced the following Budget Amendments and Transfers to balance the accounts:
- General Budget Amendment #1 of 2021- to balance certain accounts in the General Fund in the amount of $2,276.00. Motion made by Councilwoman Lusher Shute, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
- General Budget Amendment #2 of 2021 to balance additional accounts in the General Fund in the amount of $30.270.00. Motion made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
- Highway Budget Amendment #1 of 2021 to balance accounts in the Highway Fund in the amount of $41,275.00. Motion made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
- Shared Services Agreement. Motion to accept made by Councilman Gildersleeve, Seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in Favor. So Carried
- A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson to approve Highway abstract #12A, vouchers #113-122 in the amount of $6389.55. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve to approve Prepaid General abstract #12B, voucher #314-316 in the amount of $270.01. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Councilwoman Lusher Shute, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson to approve General abstract #12C, vouchers #317-327 in the amount of $3009.96. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond to approve Highway abstract #13, vouchers #106-109 in the amount of $4132.85. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve to approve Trust and Agency abstract #8, voucher #30-31 in the amount of $1834.00. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve at 8:05 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to re-open the meeting at 8:12 PM for unattended business.
- A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson to transfer $50,000.00 to Highway Capital Reserve 9950.9 All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve at 8:15 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracey Gallant
Town Clerk