Planning Board – April 2022
April 13, 2022
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 7:30pm at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Larry Saulpaugh, Mary Howard, Jennifer Phillips, Ron Miller, and Nathan Hempel. Matthew Griesemer, Attorney for the Town, was also in attendance.
After review of the March 9, 2022 minutes, a motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Nathan Hempel, to approve the minutes as corrected. All in favor. So carried.
Southwood Property LLC, 726 Woods Road, has been postponed to the May 11, 2022 meeting.
Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Nathan Hempel, to close the regular meeting and open the Public Hearing for James Wright and Emily Sartor, Tax ID # 201.00-01-25, represented by Matthew Bowe, regarding a Lot Line Adjustment of a 13.613 acres. They are seeking to create parcel #1 with 5.004 acres and parcel #2 with 8.609 acres. Question was raised regarding and existing stream and if the addition of a culvert was planned for the new driveway. It was explained it was included in the site plan. There were no other questions. Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, to close the Public Hearing and return to the regular meeting. All in favor So carried. Matthew Griesemer read SEQRA. A Negative Declaration was made by the Board. Motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Nathan Hempel, to approve the application as presented, with the culvert to be installed for the driveway leading off of Langeridge Road. All in favor. So carried.
Joyful Acres, 485 Lasher Road, Tax Map ID# 200.-1-1.200, represented by Andy Diddio of Taconic Engineering, came before the Board with a proposal to modify the Site Plan for the Brewery to construct a farm stand and pole barn. The farm stand would be 15’ x 25’ with 8 parking spaces, 1 of which would be handicap parking. The farm stand would be an automated system for self serve. The pole barn would be for agriculture purposes. Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Ron Miler to accept the application as complete. All in favor. So carried. Motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Ron Miller, to schedule a Public Hearing for May 11, 2022. All in favor So carried.
With no further business, a motion was made by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Ron Miller, to adjourn. All in favor. So carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Desiree M. Webber, Secretary