2022-10-10: Comprehensive Plan and Update of Land Use Laws Committee Agenda
Clermont comprehensive plan and land use law update
meeting #5 agenda
Town Hall
November 14, 2022
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Agenda items
o Review/Approve Meeting #4 Notes
o Updates on Pop-Up Events (5 min)
o Identify Survey end date (5 min)
o Land Use Law Discussion with Michael Allen (6o min)
o Workshop Format (15 min)
o 6:00-6:30: Opportunity for attendees to provide comments on interactive boards
o 6:30-7:15: Intro presentation: overview of the planning process, summary of Community Profile results and pop=up events
o 7:15 – 8:30: Group Activity: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis
o 8:30 – 9:00: Questions, wrap up, and additional time for interactive board
o Stakeholders/Focus Groups (1o min)
o Community Profile Discussion (10 min)
Next Steps:
o Public Workshop from 7-9pm on Nov. 17 at Firehouse #2
o Finalize Community Profile
o Summarize Public Workshop, Pop=Up Event, and Survey Results
o Next Committee Meeting: December 12th at 7pm
o Draft Vision Clermont Document