APRIL 16, 2018
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday,
April 16, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were
Commissioner Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh,
Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh and Commissioner Raymond Bauer.
Commissioner Ron Miller was absent. Also present were Chief Lloyd
Kukon, Treasurer Denise Fiore and Robert Desmond.
MINUTES: A motion was made to accept the minutes of the March meeting
by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in
favor. So carried.
Total amount of March invoices paid $ 7,042.07
Proposed April invoices $ 8,822.48 *
Paid April invoices $ 665.28 *
Total $9,487.76
*Adjusted totals for additional invoices totaling $6,067.14
Reconciliation of Accounts:
The Bank of Greene County balances to date:
Money Market Checking balance $190,494.96
Checking Balance $ 4,324.21
Less Outstanding Checks $ 3,005.89
Checking Balance to date $ 1,318.32
Money Market & Checking account total $191,813.28
Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Equipment $ 29,713.52
Capital Reserve Fund for Construction & Improvement $ 33,649.76
A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report by Commissioner
Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
- Received return receipts from certified letters to Fred Gooderham and Jim Connolly.
- Received Certificate of Liability insurance from Milan Volunteer Fire Company as requested.
- RBC Wealth Management March report – $370938.54
- Penflex – One firefighter will be receiving an increase of monthly
participant amount effective May 1, 2018 of $20.00 per month retroactive
to January 1, 2018.
- Received physicals for John Myers, Mark Schiller, Tyler Case, Samuel Williams, Ronald Rifenburgh.
- Received training certificates for 22 members for the OSHA class
held on 2-21-18 and training certificates for Chief Kukon for Thermal
Imaging and the John J Mulligan Memorial Training Seminar.
- Fire District Affairs – April – May
- Information was passed out on preparing for PESH inspections.
- Accident policy for Fire Company Auxiliary was received.
BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh
- The Commissioners asked Commissioner Bauer if his brother will be mowing this year at Station #1. He will check with him.
- Commissioner Bauer is working on getting prices for painting the roof.
INSURANCE: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh and Miller
- AUXILIARY ACCIDENT POLICY: The district will keep the policy for Auxiliary on file.
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh
- The pump tests were done and every thing went well.
- The Chief said that pagers that were taken out of service and
declared surplus equipment were sold and a check received for $100.00.
He learned that the Schoharie could use any radio equipment that we
have. The Chief will get items to them.
LOSAP: All Commissioners
The Treasurer Denise Fiore reported that our accountant Brian
Fitzgerald will no longer be able to do the LOSAP audit. It needs to be
done by a corporation and the minimum cost is $5000.00. She inquired
with the accountants of Sickler/Torchia and they estimated the cost
could be up to $6000.00 because it is time consuming and they would have
to review past reports. Chairwoman Rifenburgh did check into this and
was told that it is mandatory to do the audit but found that other
districts do it every other year or even every three years. She asked
if there were any repercussions if it is not done every year and there
have not been any. We did not budget for this year but will budget in
the future.
MOTION: After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner R.
Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to not do the LOSAP audit.
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
Chairwoman Rifenburgh reported on a new law that was passed in 2017
establishing cancer disability benefit insurance. The district has to
purchase this benefit for interior firefighters each year. They must be
an interior firefighter having five years before they are eligible.
The cost is anywhere from $300 to $350 each. We have to keep records on
who has had the FIT test and is an interior firefighter. It will be
necessary to tighten up who is considered an interior firefighter.
LEGAL: All Commissioners
No report
- Chairwoman Rifenburgh will get the television for Station #1 that
was discussed last month and Commissioner Saulpaugh will see that it is
hooked up.
- GEAR: The Chief will be having a representative measure those that need gear. There will have a total for next month.
- Captain Coon requested reimbursement for Nomax thread and have a
pocket repaired on his bunker pants. A motion was made by Commissioner
Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh to reimburse him. All in
favor. So carried.
- FACE MASKS: The Chief requested approval to purchase two face masks
at $280.00 each and two cases at $20.00 each. A motion to approve the
purchase was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner
Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
- Discussed the batteries for the difibrillators. The Captain is looking into this.
There were eleven calls for March as follows:
3/2/18 – Wires down – Route 9G & Cemetery Road
Wires down – 1424 Route 9
Wires down – 451 County Route 6
Wires down – 109 Hogtrough Road
Wires down – 1431 Route 9
Wires down – 372 Cedar Hill Road
Wires down – 48 Cedar Hill Road
3/14/18 – Structure Fire – Mutual aid to Livingston
3/21/18 – AAPI – 169 Commons Road
3/26/18 – AAPI – 9G & County Route 6
3/30/18 – Possible Structure Fire – 6 Mill Road
Monthly drill – Brush fire drill with Tivoli Fire Department
Discussed reporting when there are multiple calls on the same date,
such as storm damage, wires down, etc. Suggested reporting them on one
call sheet.
A motion was made to pay the bills with the additional proposed
invoices in the amount of $6,067.14 by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded
by Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh. All in favor So carried.
FUEL USAGE: 10.2 GALS through 3/20/18.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:40 Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary