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Clermont Community Forum and Potluck Supper – Come Shape the Future of Our Town – November 17 7-9 PM

Share your vision for the future of the Town of Clermont.

Enjoy a meal with your neighbors and friends and help the Comprehensive Planning Committee devise a blueprint for the Town’s growth on Thursday November 17, 7-9 PM at the Clermont Firehouse, 65 Firehouse Road. Bring your favorite dish and dish out your vision for the future growth of the Town of Clermont. Tell the us about the challenges and opportunities you see in the coming years for our area. Participate in discussions about your choice for living and/or working in Clermont.

So pull out those recipe cards and apps! Join us for an evening of great food and conversation about our shared future, here in Clermont! Our future is in your hands!

Unable to join us? Please take a moment to have your opinions heard by completing the survey below.