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Fire Commissioners – January 2020


JANUARY 20, 2020

The regular meeting was called to order following the Organizational Meeting by Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh. Those in attendance were Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh, Commissioner Ronald Miller, Commissioner Raymond Bauer. Commissioner Joseph Scott was absent due to illness. Others present were Treasurer Denise Fiore, Chief Lloyd Kukon, First Assistant Chief Evan Decker, 2nd Lieutenant Samuel Williams and Robert Desmond.

Chairwoman Rifenburgh opened and called to order the regular meeting.

MINUTES: Chairwoman Rifenburgh and Commissioner Miller noted a correction on page 3, Old Business, should be winch ‘cover’. A motion was made by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Miller to accept as corrected. All in favor. So carried.


January 20, 2020 Fire Commissioners’ Treasurer’s Report

RE: December 2019

Total Amount of December 2019 Invoices Paid                                                  $ 6,993.98

RE: January 2020

Proposed January 2020 Invoices                                                               $ 2,152.00 + $140.00

Paid January 2020 Invoices                                                               2,593.39

         Total                                                               $ 4,745.39 + $140.00

Reconciliation of Accounts

The Bank of Greene County Balances to Date

Money Market Checking Balance*                                                               $ 80,497.50
*Includes interest paid on 12/31/19 in the amount of $10.62

Checking Balance                                                               3,691.41

Less Outstanding Checks                                                               2,488.04

Checking Balance to Date                                                               1,203.37

Money Market & Checking A/C Total                                                               $ 81,700.87

Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Equipment                                                               $ 29,728.61 (as of 12/31/19)

Interest 12/31/18 – 1/31/19                                                               $ 3.78

Interest 1/31/19 – 2/28/19                                                               3.42

Interest 2/28/19 – 3/31/19                                                               3.79

Interest 3/31/19 – 4/30/19                                                               3.66

Interest 4/30/19 – 5/31/19                                                               3.79

Interest 5/31/19 – 6/30/19                                                               3.67

         Interest 6/30/19 – 7/31/19                                                               4.63

Deposit 7/15/19 unexpended 2018 balance                                                               12,000.00

Interest 7/31/19 – 8/31/19                                                               5.32

Interest 8/31/19 – 9/30/19                                                               5.15

Interest 9/30/19 – 10/31/19                                                               5.32

Interest 10/31/19 – 11/30/19                                                               5.15

Interest 11/30/19 – 12/31/19                                                               5.32

         Total                                                               $ 41,781.61

Capital Reserve Fund for Constr. &Improvement:                                                               $ 33,666.86 (as of 12/31/19)

Interest 12/31/18 – 1/31/19                                                               $ 4.29

Interest 1/31/19 – 2/28/19                                                               3.87

Interest 2/28/19 – 3/31/19                                                               4.29

Interest 3/31/19 – 4/30/19                                                               4.15

Interest 4/30/19 – 5/31/19                                                               4.29

Interest 5/31/19 – 6/30/19                                                               4.15

Interest 6/30/19 – 7/31/19                                                               4.29

Interest 7/31/19 – 8/31/19                                                               4.29

Interest 8/31/19 – 9/30/19                                                               4.15

Interest 9/30/19 – 10/31/19                                                               4.29

Interest 10/31/19 – 11/30/19                                                               4.15

Interest 11/30/19 – 12/31/19                                                               4.29

         Total                                                               $ 33,717.36

Denise Fiore, Treasurer

January 20, 2020

A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.


  • Letter from Columbia County Fire Coordinator office regarding Deputy Fire Coordinator for Battalion 2. A letter of interest and resume to be submitted by February 14, 2020.
  • Certificate of Liability from Colarusso & Sons for paving which has been done at Station #1.
  • RBC Wealth Management for December – $418,454.77.
  • VRS sent pictures of the new truck. Distributed three pictures to the Commissioners.
  • Distributed information on Physicals at CMH which is paid by the County. Also, physical forms to be used by firemen who prefer to use their own doctor, if they agree to pay for it.
  • Letter requesting donation for a not-for-profit Mac Boston 18 Truck. This will go to the department.
  • Cancer Benefit Program: Four firefighters have met the qualifications to be in program and have been reported to the insurance company, Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company. Because today is a federal holiday, she will call the County Treasurer tomorrow on which plan we do want to enroll in, the Basic plan or the Enhanced plan.

Buildings and Grounds: Commissioner Bauer and Saulpaugh

  • Commissioner Bauer was called by the fuel company regarding a low temperature at Station #1. It was determined that a new transformer was needed. The cost is about $200.00. They also moved the regulator so that the gauge could be seen.

Insurance: Commissioners Miller and Scott

Chairwoman Rifenburgh has called Fingar Insurance several times with questions but with no response on matters.

Fire Equipment: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh

  • New Truck: Chairwoman Rifenburgh received pictures of the new truck from VRS and distributed several to the Commissioners. She has talked to Rodney and Nate and they don’t expect that we will see the truck until April. We did not opt to inspect the truck they will send a video of the truck.
  • VRS suggested that they may have someone to buy the old tanker truck for $20 to $25 thousand.
  • First Assistant Chief Evan Decker reported that truck #34 is having problems starting. Something is shorting out. Commissioner Bauer asked if it would help to put a master switch on it.
  • Truck checks: First Lieutenant Samuel Williams has made up a new listing for truck checks.

LOSAP: Commissioners S. Rifenburgh and Miller

The Commissioners have the records to work on the points for LOSAP for 2019.

LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners

  • OSHA Training is scheduled for March 5th and March 12th at 7:00 P.M. at Station #2. Commissioners can attend for training on March 5th.
  • Physical forms were given to the Chief for CMH and for those who prefer to go to their own doctor.

LEGAL: All Commissioners
No Report


  • The Chief and Officers looked at an additional thermal camera from NY Fire Equipment, LLC that compares to the camera that we were shown last month. It compares to them except that the price for the EO3 is less. The full kit includes thermal imager, charger station with AC and DC power cords and bracket, 2x standard lithium batteries, lanyard and manual for $4725.00. In the event it needs to be replaced, they will hold the price if it needs to be.

A motion was made to approve the purchase of the camera by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.



CALLS: There were no calls in December. There were 54 days since the last call.

DRILLS: The drill was held on 12/23/19 before Christmas and there were not many members present.

  • The Chief also reported that the jaws were serviced by Garrison. A hose needs to be replaced and they have one they would sell us for $400.00 which are normally $1200.00 new.

A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh to purchase the hose from Garrison for $400.00 more or less, seconded by Commissioner Miller. All in favor. So carried.

  • Commissioner Bauer reported on the fuel usage and it was 18.9 gallons used since last month. Discussed that the tank should be kept full and Main Care should be called when needed.
  • Assistant Chief Decker reported that he fixed the siren. He would like to assign masks to each person and he needs to order a small mask and large mask for Firefighters Jackie Decker and Josh Williams.
  • Company Drills: There are several drills coming up with Germantown.
  • The Chief and Assistant Chief will be going down to Dutchess County dispatch to discuss some minor dispatch problems.
  • Susan would like to see another hydrant put in this year and brace the one on Cemetery Road.
  • Received a private fire alarm document of a equipment related alarm malfunction. Copy will go to Town Clerk and Code Enforcement.

A motion was made to pay bills by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Miller with the addition of $140.00 to be paid to MES.

A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Bauer at 8:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary