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Tag: Clermont

Comments regarding a Draft Short Term Rental regulation


Public Meeting of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Law Update Committee (CPLULU)

To Hear Comments regarding a Draft Short Term Rental regulation

May 14, 2024, 7-9 PM

Clermont Town Hall

The public is invited to join the CPLULU for a brief informational session regarding a draft Short Term Rental regulation. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity for the public to comment upon the draft regulation.  The draft regulation is available at both Town Hall and via this weblink

Comments will be received in person at this meeting, via this weblink or in writing, if submitted prior to May 10. Written comments should be addressed to the CPLULU, Town of Clermont, 1795 Route 9, Germantown, NY 12536.

Please note this is not a formal Public Hearing. Rather, this is an opportunity for the committee to gather opinions and suggestions as it crafts a Draft Short Term Rental regulation as recommended in Economic Development section of the newly revised 2024 Town of Clermont Comprehensive Plan.

Questions may be addressed to Mary T. Howard, AICP at or by calling 518-929-5866.

2022-10-10: Comprehensive Plan and Update of Land Use Laws Committee Agenda

Clermont comprehensive plan and land use law update
meeting #5 agenda
Town Hall
November 14, 2022
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Agenda items
o Review/Approve Meeting #4 Notes
o Updates on Pop-Up Events (5 min)
o Identify Survey end date (5 min)
o Land Use Law Discussion with Michael Allen (6o min)
o Workshop Format (15 min)
o 6:00-6:30: Opportunity for attendees to provide comments on interactive boards
o 6:30-7:15: Intro presentation: overview of the planning process, summary of Community Profile results and pop=up events
o 7:15 – 8:30: Group Activity: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis
o 8:30 – 9:00: Questions, wrap up, and additional time for interactive board
o Stakeholders/Focus Groups (1o min)
o Community Profile Discussion (10 min)
Next Steps:
o Public Workshop from 7-9pm on Nov. 17 at Firehouse #2
o Finalize Community Profile
o Summarize Public Workshop, Pop=Up Event, and Survey Results
o Next Committee Meeting: December 12th at 7pm
o Draft Vision Clermont Document

Clermont Community Forum and Potluck Supper – Come Shape the Future of Our Town – November 17 7-9 PM

Share your vision for the future of the Town of Clermont.

Enjoy a meal with your neighbors and friends and help the Comprehensive Planning Committee devise a blueprint for the Town’s growth on Thursday November 17, 7-9 PM at the Clermont Firehouse, 65 Firehouse Road. Bring your favorite dish and dish out your vision for the future growth of the Town of Clermont. Tell the us about the challenges and opportunities you see in the coming years for our area. Participate in discussions about your choice for living and/or working in Clermont.

So pull out those recipe cards and apps! Join us for an evening of great food and conversation about our shared future, here in Clermont! Our future is in your hands!

Unable to join us? Please take a moment to have your opinions heard by completing the survey below.