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Board Meeting Minutes

Town Board – Organizational Meeting – January 2021



Time/Date for Regular Town Board Meetings

First Monday of every month at 7:00 P.M. In the case of Monday holidays or cancellations due to inclement weather, the meetings will be held on the Tuesday after the 1st Monday.

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor – So carried


Town Board Meeting Rules and Regulations

  1. Call to order
  2. Salute of Flag
  3. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting
  4. Written communications to the Town Board:

Town Clerk Report

Mail Review

  1. Committee Reports and Updates
  2. Old Business
  3. New Business
  4. Supervisors Report
  5. Pay Abstracts
  6. Public Comment/Communication – Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting at the discretion of the Supervisor, unless engaged during the meeting.
  7. Adjournment

Motion made to approve by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson.

All in favor – So carried


Naming Official Newspaper

Register Star

Motion made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor – So carried


Naming Bank for Deposits

1. Supervisor Bank of Greene County

2. Town Clerk Bank of Greene County

3. Tax Collector Bank of Greene County

4. Justice Christensen Bank of Greene County

5. Justice Banks Bank of Greene County

Motion made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor – So carried


Authorize Town Supervisor to appoint a bookkeeper.

  1. Pursuant to Section 29 of the Town Law
  2. Necessary for proper conduct of Town Affairs

Motion made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor – So carried


Authorize Town Supervisor to temporarily invest idle monies in accordance with the Town Investment policy (General Municipal Law, Section 11)

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor – So carried.


Appoint Official Dog Shelter

Pine Plains Veterinary Hospital Associated PC

Route 199

Pine Plains, New York 12567

(518) 398-7575 or 398-9494

Round Top Animal Hospital

71 Palatine Park Road, Suite 8

Germantown, New York 12526

(518) 537-7387

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor – So carried.


Appoint Official Dog Control Officer at the Budgeted Amount.

Desiree Webber

Motion made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor. So carried.


Authorize Town Justices to hire a Court Stenographer when necessary.

  1. For a proper record of testimony
  2. Within limit of 2021 budget

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor – So carried.


Appoint Town Historian

Dawn Brownson

Motion made to approve by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor – So carried.


Appoint Code Enforcement Officer

Sam Harkins at Budgeted amount

Deputy Code Enforcement Officer at $100.00 per month, if needed.

(Appointed by Code Enforcement Officer)

Motion made to approve by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor – So carried


Appoint Town Attorney (for Town, Planning & Zoning Boards, Assessor)

(Within 2021 budget limits)

Freeman-Howard, P.C., Hudson, New York

Motion made to approve by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.


Appoint Town Engineer

CPL (Clark Patterson Lee)

Motion made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor – So carried


Designate Official Representatives to Association of Towns Annual Meeting

Supervisor Staats and Councilman Gildersleeve

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson.

All in favor – So carried


Establish .56 Cents Per Mile Rate for official Town Travel. (Per Federal Guidelines)

Motion made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor – So carried


Authorize Town Supervisor to sign 2021 State and Local Youth Contracts

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor – So carried


Appoint Registrar of Vital Statistics

Tracey Gallant

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve..

All in favor – So carried


Re-appoint Laurence Saulpaugh, Chair of the Planning Board

Re-appoint Clayton Andrus, Deputy Chairman.

Motion made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond

All in favor – So carried


Re-appoint Desiree Webber, Planning Board Secretary

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor – So carried


Re-appoint James (Hank) Himelright, III, Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals

Appoint Luke Kumburis – Deputy Chairman

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson.

All in favor – So carried


Appoint Desiree Webber Zoning Board Secretary

Motion made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor – So carried


Town Clerk’s appointments for Deputy Clerk and Deputy Registrar of Vital

Statistics – Mary Helen Shannon

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor – So carried


Town Highway Superintendent’s appointment for Deputy Highway

Superintendent – Adom Lawyer

Motion made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor – So carried.


Town Supervisor’s appointment for Deputy Supervisor

Robert Desmond for term of January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021.

Motion made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson

All in favor – So carried.


Town Supervisor’s appointment for Budget Officer

Raymond J. Staats

Motion made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor – So carried


Town Supervisor’s appointment for Town Bookkeeper

Brian Fitzgerald, CPA, PC

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson.

All in favor – So carried


Town Board Committees CHAIR CO-CHAIR

Auditing All Town Board Members

Building & Grounds Robert Desmond Raymond Staats

Cable TV, Internet Networking Kris Gildersleeve Lindsey Lusher Shute

Grants Dawn Brownson Lindsey Lusher Shute

Highway Robert Desmond Raymond Staats

Insurance All Town Board Members

Legal Raymond Staats

Planning, Zoning and

Board of Assessment Review Robert Desmond Lindsey Lusher Shute

Recreation and Community Event Kris Gildersleeve Dawn Brownson

Village Green Committee Liaison to Town Board – Tami Connolly Easter Egg Hunt


Election Day Dinner

Holiday Program

School Liaison Kris Gildersleeve Lindsey Lusher Shute

Historical Committee Dawn Brownson Lindsey Lusher Shute

Parkland Use Robert Desmond Lindsey Lusher Shute

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Lusher Shute. All in favor – So carried


Appoint Kris Gildersleeve Webmaster for Clermont’s website

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Lusher Shute.

All in favor. So carried.


Re-appoint representatives to the Columbia County Office for Aging for the term of

January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021.

Clayton Andrus

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor. So carried.


Re-appoint members of the Board of Ethics for the term of

January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021.

Mary Howard

Susan Rifenburgh

Tracey Gallant

Ray Tousey

Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

All in favor. So carried.


Re-appoint Larry Saulpaugh to the Planning Board for a seven-year term,

January 1, 2021- December 31, 2027.

Motion made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Desmond.

All in favor. So carried.


Accept 2021 Salaries stated in the 2021 Budget, as follows:


Supervisor $ 5,500.00/yr Monthly Payroll

Councilpersons (4) $ 2,500.00/yr Monthly Payroll

Town Justice $ 5,600.00/yr Monthly Payroll

Town Justice $ 5,600.00/yr Monthly Payroll

Town Clerk $ 7,000.00/yr Monthly Payroll

Deputy Town Clerk $ 12.75 hr. By Voucher

  1. Tax Collector $ 4,600.00/yr Monthly Payroll

Highway Superintendent $52,316.00/yr Bi-weekly Payroll

  1. Certified Assessor $15,270.00/yr Monthly Payroll

Court Clerk (1) $ 375.00/mo Monthly Payroll

Code Enforcement Officer $14,000.00/yr Monthly Payroll

Deputy Code Enforcement Officer$ $ 100.00/mo Monthly Payroll

Town Custodian $ 1,800.00/yr Monthly Payroll

Assessment Review Board Mtg. $ 100.00/day By Voucher

Additional time $ 10.00 Hr. By Voucher

Secretary – BAR $ 11.80 Hr. By Voucher

Zoning Chairperson $ 1,000.00/yr Yearly Payroll *

Planning Chairperson $ 1,000.00/yr Yearly Payroll *

Zoning Co-Chairperson $ 800.00/yr Yearly Payroll *

Planning Co-Chairperson $ 800.00/yr Yearly Payroll *

Zoning Members $ 800.00/yr Yearly Payroll *

Planning Members $ 800.00/yr Yearly Payroll *

Zoning Secretary $ 1,000.00/yr Yearly Payroll

Planning Secretary $ 1,000.00/yr Yearly Payroll

Trial Juror Minimum Wage By Voucher

Dog Control Officer $ 360.00/mo Monthly Payroll

*If any Planning or Zoning Board member is absent for more than two meetings, that members salary will be reduced by $100.00 for each additional absence.

Alternate members of the Planning and Zoning Board will be paid $50.00 per meeting when called upon to participate by the Chairperson.


Full Time $ 20.67/hr Bi-weekly Payroll

Part Time ( Summer ) $ 13.00/hr Bi-weekly Payroll

Part Time ( Winter ) $ 13.00/hr Bi-weekly Payroll

Deputy Highway Superintendent $1,000/yr ½ in June, ½ in December

Motion made to accept 2021 Salaries per Town Budget made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. – So carried.

Resolution #33 -2021 – Town of Clermont Fee Schedule for Building Department Fees and Zoning and Planning Fees.

A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond to approve this resolution. All in favor. So carried.

Resolution #34-2021 – Town of Clermont Official Undertaking of Municipal Officers

A motion was made to approve by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.

Resolution #35-2021 – Agreement between the Clermont Town Board with the Canaan Fellowship for the use of the Clermont Community House for the period January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 according to the terms and conditions of the lease.

A motion was made to approve this agreement made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.

Resolution #36-2021 – Agreement between the Clermont Town Board and Pine Plains Veterinary Associates to act as kennels for the town for the period January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

A motion was made to approve by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.

Resolution #37-2021 – Agreement between the Clermont Town Board and Round Top Animal Hospital to act as kennels for the town for the period January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

A motion was made to approve by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.

These agreements will be reviewed with the other policies of the Town.

  1. Review Highway Personnel Policy (Note Changes if Any)
  1. Review Procurement Policy (Note Changes if Any)
  1. Review Fixed Assets
  1. Review Investment Policy (Note Changes if Any)
  1. Sexual Harassment Policy
  1. Code of Ethics
  1. Cash Management
  1. Emergency Preparedness Plan
  1. Review Road Bonds (If any)
  1. Review Other Bonds (If any)
  1. Review Workplace Violence Policy

A motion was made to set time and date to review books and records of Town Clerk, Town Justices, Tax Collector and Supervisor on January 16th at 10:00 A.M. by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. Enter in February minutes.

A motion was made to adjourn the organizational meeting and enter into the regular meeting by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk

Town Board – January 2021

JANUARY 4, 2021

The Clermont Town Board held its regular monthly meeting following the Organizational meeting on Monday, January 4, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. virtually due to the Coronavirus – COVID 19. Those present were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Dawn Brownson, Councilman Kris Gildersleeve, Councilwoman Lindsey Lusher Shute and Deputy Town Clerk Tracey Gallant.

Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.

At the Organizational meeting Resolution # 32 was approved contingent upon the salary for 2021 for the Tax Collector being verified, as the Town Clerk questioned whether or not there was an increase.

MINUTES: Councilwoman Brownson made one correction in the minutes for December 7th on page 45, Committee reports, Iroquois Grant should be America Walks Grant. Councilwoman Lusher Shute noted that there is no hyphen in her last name. These errors will be corrected. A motion was made to approve the minutes of December 7th with corrections by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the December 28th year end meeting by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.


The Deputy Town Clerk, Tracey Gallant, read the December Town Clerk’s report and submitted a check to the Supervisor for the General fund in the amount of $7,841.66. She has requested that our Building Inspector submit his receipts on a more regular basis.


  • The Deputy Town Clerk received information regarding the Association of Towns Conference and Training which will be held virtually from February 14th – February 17th. It will be available for board members.
  • Supervisor Staats received a letter of resignation from Mary Helen Shannon, Town Clerk effective at the close of this meeting.


  • Councilman Desmond thanked Town Clerk Mary Helen Shannon, who is retiring after this meeting, for her years of service to the Town and the help to board members.
  • Councilwoman Lusher Shute reported that the park committee will be looking into projects that they can begin with in the spring. She also thanked the Town Clerk.
  • Councilman Gildersleeve did order the voice recorder that was approved at the previous meeting. He also got the memory card, security lock table and microphone.
  • Councilwoman Brownson reported that we did not get the America Walks grant funding. She will apply for the Bank of Green County grant for up to $2500.00 for the bicycle racks due January 16th.
  • Town Clerk Shannon thanked the board for all there help over the years and making her job a pleasure. She will miss working with all the boards and the residents of Clermont.


Supervisor Staats reported that we did receive a check for the CHIPS funding in the amount of $52,790.03.


  • Supervisor Staats asked for a motion to appoint Deputy Town Clerk Tracey Gallant to fill the unexpired term of Town Clerk Shannon until 12/31/2021. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
  • The Town Board will meet on Saturday, January 16 at 10:00 AM to audit the books of the Supervisor, Town Clerk, Tax Collector and Justices and to review the town policies. They will also interview any interested parties to fill a vacant position on the Zoning Board of Appeals at ll:00 AM.
  • RESOLUTION NO. 38-2021-The Supervisor received a resolution from the Assessor regarding Real Property Tax Law Exemptions for Seniors and Disabled Exemptions to be considered at this meeting for approval. This would not require a renewal application be made by seniors who are currently receiving the exemptions for Senior Citizens and Limited Income Disability. A motion was made to approve by Councilwoman Lusher Shute, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.


The Supervisor announced that for the safety of our residents, the Town Hall will be closed because of the recent spread of COVID19. Continue to check the website for any further information.


  • A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to pay General abstract #1, vouchers 1 – 17 in the amount of $20,443.50, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
  • A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to pay Highway abstract #1, vouchers #1 – 3 in the amount of $4,241.47, seconded by Councilwoman Lusher Shute. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve at 8:00 P.M

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk

Town Board Meeting – Year-end 2020


The Clermont Town Board held the Year-End meeting on Monday, December 28, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. Because the Town Hall is closed at this time because of Corona virus the meeting is being held virtually. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Dawn Brownson, Councilwoman Lindsey Lusher Shute and Councilman Kris Gildersleeve. Also at the virtual meeting was Peter G. Fingar of Fingar Insurance, Tracey Gallant, Deputy Town Clerk and Mary Helen Shannon, Town Clerk.

Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with the salute to the flag. He then introduced Peter Fingar who will speak on the Town’s insurance coverage.


The new policy period to be covered is 12/30/20 to 12/31/21. The liability coverages were reviewed for property, vehicles, injury, equipment and bonds. The bond includes the Tax Collector and Town Clerk. There is optional coverage for Cyber Liability for $314.00 which can be added in at any time. This can be discussed if it seems that it is something that should be added at a later time.


  • Keeping Identities of Seniors Safe program for Seniors will be at the Town Hall from March 15 to March 26, 2021.
  • Budget and Revenue reports through December 31, 2020.
  • Councilman Gildersleeve looked into a voice recorder to be used by the different boards at the meetings. Along with the voice recorder a locking system was also found so that it can be secured. The approximate costs is $100.00. Councilman Gildersleeve will order it.
  • The Tax Collector will not be able to meet with tax payers in January at the Town Hall because of the closure. She can use the Court dropbox in order for taxpayers to leave their payments.
  • The Supervisor received a letter of resignation from the Town Clerk, for health reasons, effective January 4th, 2021. He would look at appointing the current Deputy Town Clerk, Tracey Gallant to fill the position.


Supervisor Staats introduced the following Budget Amendments and Transfers to balance the accounts:

  • Budget Amendment #1 of 2020- to balance certain accounts in the General Fund in the amount of $15,516.00. Motion made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
  • Budget Amendment #2 of 2020 to balance the Park account appropriations in the amount of $12,193.00. Motion made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
  • A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson to transfer $50,000.00 from Highway Capital Reserve 9950.9 to Highway Equipment Reserve. All in favor. So carried.
  • A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve to transfer $25,000.00 to Highway Capital Reserve from CHIPS 5112.2C. All in favor. So carried.

Our representative to the Office of the Aging, Clayton Andrus, has asked the Board to fill another position of representative with Suzanne Pelletier. A motion was made to fill the position by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to move into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter at 7:53 P.M., seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve to come out of Executive Session at 8:10 P.M. seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made to rescind the appointment made on 12/7/20 of Phyllis Heiko to the Zoning Board of Appeals effective for the term of 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2025 by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.

Interviews will be held on Saturday, January 16, 2021 starting at 11:00 AM at the Town Hall for an alternate member and a full member if the current alternate is not interested in moving into that position.


  • A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Lusher Shute to approve Prepaid General abstract #13, voucher #315-317 in the amount of $225.86. All in favor. So carried.
  • A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve to approve General abstract #13A, vouchers #318-327 in the amount of #3346.33. All in favor. So carried.
  • A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond to approve Highway abstract #13, vouchers #106-109 in the amount of $4132.85. All in favor. So carried.
  • A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson to approve Trust and Agency abstract #9, voucher #15 in the amount of $214.50. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond at 8:25 P.M. All in favor. So carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk

Fire Commissioners – December 2020

December 21, 2020

The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, December 21, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.

Those in attendance were Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh, Commissioner Raymond Bauer, Commissioner Ronald Miller, and Commissioner Joseph Scott. Others present were Chief Lloyd Kukon, fireman Cody Rockefeller, Chief Collin Brown, Bob Desmond, and Treasurer Brian Fitzgerald, Les Coon, and Even Decker.

Chairwoman Rifenburgh opened the meeting with a salute to the flag. 

MINUTES: The Minutes of the November meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Scott to accept the minutes. All in favor. So carried.


A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Salpaugh. All in favor. So carried


  • RBC Wealth Management account statement for November $421,438.41
  • Free masks from Losap
  • Commissioner training schedule
  • New 2021 Calendar
  • Data request package from Penflex
  • Christopher Pearson member at the Jehovah Witness Congregation in Red Hook: invitation to join.



Commissioner Bauer : A new meter was installed by K&H Fuel for $298. Waiting for a receipt.


Joe’s Auto Repair:

6070 van had a fuel line and break line leak. Joe’s auto repair replaced the lines. No bill received yet

6012 needs oil and filters changed.


Commissioner Rifenburgh mentioned she will be working on the request package.

Doug C.will begin collecting this year.

LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners

No discussion

LEGAL: All Commissioners

No discussion

OLD BUSINESS: All Commissioners

Commissioner Bauer would like the money from the truck sale taken from the general fund put into the truck fund.

Commissioner Saulpaugh made a motion to accept, seconded by Commissioner Bauer, all agreed. So Carried.


Commissioner Saulpaugh brought up station one and who is in charge of shoveling.

Chief Brown agreed that they would keep up with it in large snow storms.

Bob Desmand says it is not considered a town building.

If the issue persists and we cannot find someone to take care of it, we will bring it back to the district and take care of it.


CHIEFS REPORT: There were seven calls in November as follows:

  • 11/02/20 Wires down/burning/small brush fire – 726 Woods Rd
  • 11/10/20 Mutual Aid Tivoli/Structure fire – North Road
  • 11/20/20 Alarm Activation – 1500 Route 9
  • 11/26/20 Dryer Fire – 694 Church Ave
  • 11/28/20 Smoke Investigation – 122 Commons Road
  • 11/28/20 Smoke investigation – 1647 Route 9


  • 11/02/20 Officers Meeting – 4 Officers – 8 man hours
  • 11/23/20 Drill – Carmella Sisters Test new Hydrant – 5 Firefighters -10 man hours

Chief Kukon notes:

Truck 6070 repaired and inspected

Questionnaire – state will do free Covid Testing

Drills next month: worried about Covid increase we may skip Drills

VRS – 6035 Reletter, fix hems, install water gauges

Staples card needs to be updated – remove Denise’s number

Bought supplies and toner for copy machine

Year end incumbants to buy out of equipment fund for year ending in 2020

Chief Kukon end of year wish list:

Item                                             quantity    Price       total

  • Radios – Motorola 3500                2     $595      $1190
  • 6’ handle rubbish hook                 1     $130        $130
  • 6’ Georgia NY &  drywall hook     1     $165        $165
  • Carry Sling for tools                     4      $  50       $200
  • Scott Voice Amplifiers                  8      $  70       $560
  • 6035 water level gauge                1     $960        $960
  • Mounting bracket for tools            1     $154.95   $154.95
  • Gear keeper mic retractor            3     $ 21.95     $ 65.85
  • Glove straps                                10    $   4.95     $ 49.95
  • 100’ blue extruded rubber hose    1    $307.90    $307.95 
  • 300’ 2 ½” hose                              6    $154.50    $927.00
  • Tool box and tools                         1    $1500       $1500
  •  Estimated total                                                    $ 5250

Commissioners agreed to a spending of up to                          $6,500

A motion was made to accept the spending on new equipment by Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made by Commissioner Miller to pay the bills, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried


gallons used 59.2


Less coon: wanted to know if the leftover parts fund goes into the general fund at the end of the year?

Treasures Fitzgerald says we could do a referendum to keep it in the parts fund.

From Chief Kukkon,

I believe it will be a smooth transition for the new Chief Brown.

Nice to have young blood moving up.

Thank you Less Coon and thank you Commissioners

Bob Desmond “Thanks to lloyd for your service” 

A motion was made to adjourn at 8:15 P.M. by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So Carried.

Respectfully submitted
Jennifer Flandreau Secretary,
Clermont Fire District

Planning Board – December 2020

December 9, 2020

The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Larry Saulpaugh, Mary Howard, Clayton Andrus, Jennifer Phillips, Tom Jantzen, Nathan Hempel and Ron Miller. Others present were George Schmitt, Engineer for the town and Matthew Griesemer, Attorney for the town.

After review of the November 2020 minutes, a motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Nathan Hempel, to accept the minutes. All in favor. So carried.

Billy Cole, 3541 Route 9G, Clermont, Tax Map ID#190.-1-4, represented by Marty Williams, came before the Board for the storage unit project. The Public Hearing remains open open awaiting a response from the DEC. Marty Williams read a letter from the DEC dated 2012 proposing removing 1 storage unit building which will create less disturbance. A letter from SHIPO requesting more information was given to the applicant. Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, to carry over the Public Hearing until the next meeting. All in favor. So carried.

Paul Gates, 82 Turkey Hill Road, Tax Map ID #201.-1.80.4, #201.-1.80.3, #201.-1.80.2, is seeking final approval on a lot line adjustment and driveway easement. Motion was made by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, to waive the Public Hearing. All in favor. So carried. SEQRA was read and motion was made by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, declaring a negative impact under SEQRA. All in favor. So carried. Motion to accept the application as complete and approve the application was made by Ron Miller, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.

Marissa Rendon, 23 Maisello Road, Tax ID #201.-1-33, represented by PlugTV regarding the application for ground a mounted solar system, returned with the addition of screening on the site plan map. Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Clayton Andrus, to deem the application complete as well as to accept it. All in favor. So carried.

Motion was made by Ron Miller, seconded by Nathan Hempel, to schedule a Public Hearing for the January 2021 meeting. All in favor. So carried.

Mary Jane Fuchs, Cedar Hill Road, Tax Map ID #191.-1-32.111, Represented by Andy Diddio with Taconic Engineering. Discussion was held regarding a private road for the subdivision versus a town road. Conceptually, the Board had no objections, contingent upon reviews of relative laws to roads and compliancy to town laws.

Dee Ann Campbell, 180 Shields Road, Tax Map ID #210.-1-28, represented by Suncommon, is proposing the installation of a 656 square foot ground mounted solar array. Discussion included minor modifications needed to be added to the site plan, including the flood plain and adjoining properties.

A motion was made to adjourn by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Mary Howard. All in favor. So carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Desiree M. Webber, Secretary

Town Board – December 2020

DECEMBER 7, 2020

The Clermont Town Board held their regular meeting on Monday, December 7, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. at the Clermont Town Hall. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilman Kris Gildersleeve, Councilwoman Dawn Brownson and Councilwoman Lindsey Lusher Shute. Others present were Mary Howard, Phyllis Heiko, Chris Nolan, David Szalas, Merri Puccio and Tracey Gallant.

Supervisor Staats opened the meeting with the salute to the flag.

MINUTES: After review of the November minutes, a motion was made by Councilman Desmond to accept the minutes, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in favor. So carried.


  • TOWN CLERK’S REPORT: The November Clerk’s report was read and a check for the General fund in the amount of $8.03 was presented to the Supervisor.
  • BUDGET AND REVENUE REPORTS: The Supervisor gave the board members the budget and revenue reports for November, 2020.
  • WEBSITE: Councilman Gildersleeve is keeping the website up-to-date with postings. There was a question about COVID-19. A link will be added so that there is access to current information.


  • VETERANS MONUMENT: Councilman Desmond reported that the path to the monument is settling and holding up.
  • APPOINTMENTS: Councilman Desmond reported that members of the town board met to interview a replacement for the position on the Zoning Board of Appeals due to the resignation of John Rusconi. There was one applicant for the five-year term, Ben Peacock, who is currently the alternate member and Lee Gallant for the alternate position.

Councilman Desmond recommends both applicants.

  • HETTLING PARK: Councilwoman Lusher Shute reported that the committee for the park have put in the stakes for the newly planted trees, cleaned up around entrance, marked spot for benches and tables. The maintenance schedule has been updated and they are asking that the stream bed and monarch meadow area not be mowed. Also, removal of trash and debris be removed from around vernal pool. Jennifer Phillips has offered top soil for monarch meadow. Currently, the driveway and parking area are not being plowed but the Supervisor will ask the Highway Superintendent to plow them.
  • COMPUTER: Councilman Gildersleeve has been working on setting up a new computer for the Town Clerk and it is almost completed.
  • AMERICA WALKS GRANT: Councilwoman Brownson has filed a grant for $1500 for two bicycle racks and signs in Spanish for the park. She has not heard from County Historian Bill Better about an event at Clarkson Chapel in Clermont.
  • GRANT – NYS CLIMATE SMART COMMUNITIES: Councilwoman Brownson and Lusher-Shute introduced a grant possibility for communities to be able to hire a coordinator for $8000.00 to address impacts of climate change and town infrastructure. There is no cost to the town. David Szlasa of Clermont has expressed interest and if appointed by the Board would apply for this grant and identify improvements to buildings and vehicles. There is no application for the town to do what is proposed by the Coordinator.

MOTION: A motion was made by Councilwoman Lusher Shute to nominate David Szlasa as Climate Task Force Community Coordinator and to move forward with the resolution for Mr. Szlasa to apply for the grant. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Brownson, Councilman Desmond, Abstained, Councilman Gildersleeve, opposed, Supervisor Staats, Aye. Motion passed.


  • COMMUNITY HOUSE INTERNET: There was discussion last month about getting internet service to the Community House. After Councilman Gildersleeve and Councilwoman Lusher Shute looked at several options, it was decided to go direct from the Town Hall to the Community House.
  • MORTGAGE TAX: The mortgage tax check received was $44,606.00, $27,000 over budgeted amount for this year. The 4th quarter sales tax will not be received until February.
  • COUNTY BUDGET: In past years, Supervisor Staats has voted against the County budget as he felt they were inflated, but this year he will probably vote in favor of the budget with a 1.57% increase.
  • CHIPS REIMBURSEMENT: We have not yet received this but it is felt that it will be a 20-25% decrease from past years. Our highway Superintendent Jim Potts cut back on the road work that he had budgeted for as he thought this would be the case.


  • RESOLUTION NO. 42 OF 2020: Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Record. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson to adopt Resolution No. 42 of 2020 having to do with retention and disposition of government records. All in favor. So carried.
  • APPOINTMENTS: Supervisor Staats asked for motion to approve the following:

Sarah Takacs – Board of Assessment Review – 5-year term 10/1/2020 -9/30 2025

Larry Saulpaugh – Planning Board – 7-year term – 1/1/2021 – 12/31/2027

Phyllis Heiko – Zoning Board of Appeals – 5-year term – 1/1/21 – 12/31/2025

Ben Peacock – Zoning Board of Appeals – 5-year term – 12/7/2020 – 12/31/2023

Completing term of John Rusconi

Lee Gallant – ZBA Alternate – Appointed 12/7/20 – 12/31/2020

MOTION: A motion was made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Desmond to accept the appointments.

  • The year-end meeting will be held on Monday, December 28th at 7:00 P.M. to pay the final bills of the year.
  • COURT SECURITY: The town has had a request from the District Attorney’s office to have Court Security when Court is in session. The Town Justice’ agree that, for safety reasons, the town contract with the Sheriff’s Office for coverage 3 hours per week. The cost to be determined depending on rank of officer.

MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve to approve. All in favor. So carried.

  • PLANNING, ZBA Signs: Mary Howard, Planning Board member, has requested that the board purchase signs that can be posted on landowner’s property when subdividing or making a lot change that can alert adjoining landowners. She is authorized to purchase signs at a cost of up to $750.00 for both boards.
  • FIRE COMMISSIONERS: The Election for Fire Commissioner will be held on Tuesday, December 8th from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.


  • Supervisor Staats thanked the Election Day workers, those that participated in the Veterans Day event at the Memorial site, Highway workers for putting up the Christmas lights, Park Committee and Amy Parella, Chairwoman. Wished all a Happy Holiday.


  • A motion was made by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve to approve Highway abstract #12, vouchers #91-105 in the amount of $23,766.66. All in favor. So carried.
  • A motion was made by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve to approve General abstract #12, vouchers #276 – 278 in the amount of $195.02. All in favor. So carried.
  • A motion was made by Councilwoman Lusher Shute, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson to approve General abstract #12A, vouchers #279 -314 in the amount of $19,046.05. All in favor. So carried.
  • A motion was made by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson to approve Trust and Agency abstract #8, voucher #14 in the amount of $190.50. All in favor. So carried.


Chris Nolan is moving forward with a deed for an abandoned portion of old road across from his property on Commons Road. He will have a deed prepared with meets and bounds and have Jim Potts approve before map is finalized.

Merri Puccio had comments about the former LaMunyan property, now William Cole, on Route 9G. He is in front of the Planning and Zoning Board for storage buildings on property on 9G which adjoins the former LaMunyan landfill. She has questions about the DEC action on this property and if he can be approved for this. This board was not able to answer her questions, suggested she go to the planning board meeting with her questions.

A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Desmond, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve at 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk

Zoning Board of Appeals – November 2020

Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals
1795 Route 9
Germantown, New York 12526

November 18, 2020

The meeting opened at 7:30 pm. The meeting started with a salute to the flag. Members attending were Luke Kumburis, Don Van Wagner, Phyllis Heiko and alternate Ben Peacock. In the absence of Hank Himelright, Luke Kumburis led the meeting.

Luke Kumburis asked if anyone had any additions, corrections or omissions to the minutes of the last meeting, October 21, 2020. A motion to approve the October 2020 minutes was made by Don Van Wagner, seconded by Ben Peacock. All in favor. So carried.

Dee Ann Campbell, 180 Shields Road, was unable to attend so the Public Hearing for her solar project was postponed.

Susan Bodo and David Behl, 34 Hill N Dale Road, Tax ID #169.-1-6.111, represented by Jeff Irish with Suncommon, is seeking a solar expansion with the addition of 6 panels to the existing 14 panels. Motion was made by Don Van Wagner, seconded by Ben Peacock, to close the regular meeting and open the Public Hearing. All in favor. So carried. There were no questions or comments form the audience regarding the project. Motion was made by Don Van Wagner, seconded by Phyllis Heiko, to close the Public Hearing and return to the regular meeting. All in favor. So carried. The SEQRA was read by Phyllis Heiko. Motion was made by Don Van Wagner, seconded by Ben Peacock, to declare a negative impact.. All in favor. So carried. Motion was made by Phyllis Heiko, seconded by Don Van Wagner, to approve the application. All in favor. So carried.

Marissa Rendon, 23 Maisello Road, Tax ID #201.-1-33, was represented by Shane Nolan of PlugTV regarding the application of a Special Use Permit for ground a mounted solar system. The application was deemed as complete, with the exception of the Deed which will be added. Motion was made by Luke Kumburis, seconded by Ben Peacock, to accept the application, contingent on the addition of the Deed. All in favor. So carried. Motion was made by Ben Peacock, seconded by Phyllis Heiko, to schedule a Public Hearing for the December 2020 meeting. All in favor. So carried.

The Board discussed the change of the December 2020 meeting from December 23 to December 16 due to the holidays. Motion was made by Don Van Wagner, seconded by Ben Peacock, for the change of dates. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made to adjourn by Phyllis Heiko, seconded by Don Van Wagner. All in favor. So carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Desiree M. Webber, Secretary

Fire Commissioners – November 2020

NOVEMBER 16, 2020

The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.

Those in attendance were Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh, Commissioner Raymond Bauer, Commissioner Ronald Miller, and Commissioner Joseph Scott. Others present were Chief Lloyd Kukon, Bob Desmond, Treasurer Brian Fitzgerald, Ron Rifenburgh, and Commissioner Scott’s Daughter Danielle.

Chairwoman Rifenburgh opened the meeting with a salute to the flag. 

MINUTES: The Minutes of the October meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Chairwoman Rifenburgh to accept with correction of alarm battery changing, All in favor. So carried


Motion: A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Commissioner Bauer, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried


  • Marshal Sterling is offering home and auto discount insurance
  • RBC Wealth management $426,714.56
  • Collin Brown physical received
  • Fire Department law management resource manual $295
  • Losap audit option 
  • Death Benefits for Mark Shiller received
  • A concerned taxpayer letter



K and H fuel gave an estimate on a new gauge and service call $230

We are on automatic Delivery. 

Placed an order for a new meter from Northern hydraulics $100

A motion was made by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaul. All in favor. So carried.


Truck 6013 serviced: noise and vibration found and corrected

Truck 6012 serviced 


Chairwoman Rifenburgh:

Resolution: Considering the pandemic/state of emergency; each firefighter will receive three extra points per month backdated from March 2020 through December 2020 and possibly forward.

After a roll call vote, the motion passed.

LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners

Concerning the letter from a concerned taxpayer, we will be looking into hiring a cleaner for the firehouse starting January 2020.

LEGAL: All Commissioners

No discussion

OLD BUSINESS: All Commissioners

No discussion


No discussion



There were three calls in October as follows

10/16/20 – Mutual Aid/Traffic Control – Route 9G germantown

10/30/20 – AAPI – Route 9G & Firehouse Road

10/31/20 – Alarm activation – 168 Pleasant Vale Road 

Work Details/Drills

10/26/20 Drill/New 5” Y in service, pressure checked, Driver Training Rich Larsen, Jackie Decker, Collin Brown – 8 firefighters – 16 man hours

10/31/20 Halloween/special detail/SCBA Drill – 8 Firefighters – 24 man hours

Chief comments:

  • Service airpacks on Friday the 20th
  • Livingston Drill on Sunday the 22nd
  • Monday the 23rd – night hydrant system
  • Contact kevin for air compressor to fix
  • hose and electric plug to be replaced for station one
  • Trucks service on Truck 6013 – resolved
  • Going over budget – requesting hand tools voice amplifiers
  • Fit test
  • Water gages wanted
  • Fire Company election on December 14th


            Josh williams – Second LT 

            Joseph Scott -First Lt

            Collin Brown – Collin Brown

            No captan 

A motion was made by Commissioner Miller to pay the bills, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So carried


gallons used – 48.7 Gallons


Ron Rifenburgh, all batteries in homes should have a 10 year battery installed.

Ron Rifenburgh, expressed concern for better management, not leaving certain duties only on one person for the Good of the district.

Commissioner Election scheduled for December 8th, 2020 from 6 PM to 9PM

We have yet to receive a letter of intent.

Commissioner Miller made a motion to adjourn at 8:15 P.M seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh. All in favor. So Carried.

Respectfully submitted
Jennifer Flandreau Secretary,
Clermont Fire District

Planning Board – November 2020

November 11, 2020

The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Larry Saulpaugh, Mary Howard, Clayton Andrus, Jennifer Phillips, Tom Jantzen, Nathan Hempel and Ron Miller. Others present were George Schmitt, Engineer for the town and Matthew Griesemer, Attorney for the town.

After review of the October 2020 minutes, a motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen, to accept the minutes. All in favor. So carried.

Susan Bodo and David Behl, 34 Hill N Dale Road, Tax ID #169.-1-6.111, represented by Suncommon, is seeking a solar expansion with the addition of 6 panels to the existing 14 panels. Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Ron Miller, to close the regular meeting and open the Public Hearing. All in favor. So carried. There were no questions or comments raised from the audience. This is a Type II action as the expansion of solar panels falls under 6 CRR-NY 617.5c(9) construction or expansion of a primary or accessory/appurtenant, nonresidential structure or facility involving less than 4,000 square feet of gross floor area and not involving a change in zoning or a use variance and consistent with local land use controls, but not radio communication or microwave transmission facilities. Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, to close the Public Hearing and return to the regular meeting. All in favor. So carried. Motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen, to approve the application as presented, pending approval from the ZBA. All in favor. So carried.

Billy Cole, 3541 Route 9G, Clermont, Tax Map ID#190.-1-4, came before the Board for the storage unit project. Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Nathan Hempel, to close the regular meeting and open the Public Hearing. All in favor. So carried. Comments from the audience included questions regarding the hours of operation, storm water runoff, the effect on area property values, lighting and fencing, as well as the actual construction of the buildings. The applicant responded with explanations of the project. The hours of operation will be added to the site plan map. Question was also raised regarding a lot line change in 2009 for this property. The Board will research the 2009 records for the lot line change. Matthew Griesemer, Town Attorney, stated the DEC has 30 days to respond regarding the project. The 30 day time period has not expired. Motion was made by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, to carry over the Public Hearing to the December 2020 meeting to await the response from the DEC. All in favor. So carried.

Marissa Rendon, 23 Maisello Road, Tax Map ID #201.-1-33, represented by PLUG TV regarding the installation of 25 solar panels, brought survey maps from 2017. The addition of screening such as bushes or trees was recommended by the Board to block the view of the project for the neighbors. The screening will be added to the site plan map and the applicant will return to the December meeting.

The Board discussed requiring an electronically submitted application as well as 3 hard copies to be submitted by future applicants 11 days prior to the meeting. They will be added to an agenda for the next meeting. Motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Jennifer Phillips, for the use of an agenda each month. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made to adjourn by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Ron Miller. All in favor. So carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Desiree M. Webber, Secretary